Yes the JW Support Forum is getting off to a quick start and is a terrific site. I'm signing up to be part of a number of the new communities springing up, I'm not going to limit myself to just one. I did want to mention that the JW Recovery site (JWR) also has the "view members online" so people can see who's online and what their looking at. There is also a feature to remain hidden if you prefer your privacy, which I think is also important. It is a useful feature though, combined with active topics and the ability for users to create polls and get feedback that is visually represented in the topic/thread. Anyway, look forward to seeing you around at the different online communities... my primary residence will of course by JWR. ~Moxie
Posts by Moxie
I like the feel of JWR
by Awakened at Gilead ini'm signing into this forum... hope more will join soon..... note... this forum includes the "active topics" button so helpful at jwd.
also, the site master is moxie, who has created a number of useful jw videos and a blog about jws and religion.
check out her youtube account at
A Study of Comparative Religions includes Jehovah's Witnesses
by Moxie ingreetings friends,.
this week i was approached by an anthropologist who is doing a study of comparative religions.
the study is focusing on religions founded in the united states and on a broader scale - the new world.
Greetings Friends,
This week I was approached by an anthropologist who is doing a study of comparative religions. The study is focusing on religions founded in the United States and on a broader scale - the New World. The intent is to take an in-depth look at three prominent religions founded recently in the New World: Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The goal is to discover the principle cultural motives that people have for affiliating with these organizations.
I was asked to participate in this study and was very happy to do so. I thought that I would share the survey and my own responses. If you are interested in participating, feel free to send me an email and I would be happy to put you in touch with the study’s conductor.
The survey is available on my blog at:
Tell Your Story...
by Moxie init all started when i found this website jwd.... over the last few months i have for the first time been able to share my experiences as a former jw with others who truly understand.
the warmth, compassion and kindness i have experienced has been the first step in a nine year process of healing since my exit from the religion.
some of you may know that at about the same time i began reading and posting here, that i also began writing my own blog about my experiences.
That's great you guys, looking forward to hearing your stories... Be well....
Tell Your Story...
by Moxie init all started when i found this website jwd.... over the last few months i have for the first time been able to share my experiences as a former jw with others who truly understand.
the warmth, compassion and kindness i have experienced has been the first step in a nine year process of healing since my exit from the religion.
some of you may know that at about the same time i began reading and posting here, that i also began writing my own blog about my experiences.
It all started when I found this website JWD...
Over the last few months I have for the first time been able to share my experiences as a former JW with others who truly understand. The warmth, compassion and kindness I have experienced has been the first step in a nine year process of healing since my exit from the religion. Some of you may know that at about the same time I began reading and posting here, that I also began writing my own blog about my experiences. Through these forums I have met many wonderful and inspiring people who have in turn shared their stories with me.
So, I have opened up my blog to those who would like a place to tell their story. This has been such a theraputic process for me, and I just want to share it with others if they are so inclined. I'd like my blog "Conversations with an Ex-Jehovah's Witness" to house a collection of experiences and stories of former JW's or others who's lives have been affected by the Watchtower Society. I'd like it to tell not just my story, but the stories of people from every walk of life and every corner of the world.
This is my first stop to offer the invitation. You can view more information here:
Anyone else having this problem with Witness Friends and Relatives
by Evidently inthey are all over me with all of these "end of this system of things" signs......earthquakes, cyclones, pestilences, cost of food to lead to food shortages, blah, blah, blah....did they make an announcement at the kh that "this is it!!
" they say that we've never had all of these things happening all at once like we've had the past few weeks...... .
They are all over me with all of these "end of this System of Things" signs......earthquakes, cyclones, pestilences, cost of food to lead to food shortages, blah, blah, blah....Did they make an announcement at the KH that "this is it!!" They say that we've never had all of these things happening all at once like we've had the past few weeks.....
This reminds me of an article I read recently in Newsweek Magazine (May 12, 2008 issue). In the article they are dicussing the Post-American World.
A team of scholars has been engaged in a fascinating study. Their data shows that wars of all kinds have been declining steadily since the mid 1980's and that we are now at the lowest levels of global violence since the 50's. Steven Pinker, a Harvard professor speculates that we are probably living "in the most peaceful time of our species' existence." It just doesn't feel that way because we live in an unprecidented age of information. We are bombarded with news stories and images from around the world 24-7. Every weather disturbance is the "storm of the decade." Every bomb that explodes is Breaking News.
Anyway, I found it very interesting when the article said that in spite of the war in Iraq and other modern political conflicts, the underlying reality across the globe is one of enormous vitality. For the first time ever, most countries around the world are practicing sensible economics... poverty rates are noticably declining, the global economy has more than doubled.
It just goes to show you that in spite of all the propaganda we are faced with, we are indeed in one of the most peaceful ages of our existence, the difference is that because of news media, along with the world wide web, we know more about events going on in the world than anyone did in the past.
When you were a Jw did you have a relationship with God?
by Fisherman indifficult to understand how even heavys that taught about having a relatinship with god now proclaim that it was imagined after leaving the truth.
puts into question appointments and people serving.
i can understand if some one new leaves the org.
Nope, but I wanted to. I never felt I was good enough... not trying hard enough or something.
What do you think when people tell you to just "Move On"?
by Moxie in...i've heard that a lot over the years, and quite a lot latley... "just get over it, let the past stay in the past".
i always say, "ya, but...".
i've been writing a lot lately on my blog and just got through a big long thing on why i can't move on.
...I've heard that a lot over the years, and quite a lot latley... "Just get over it, let the past stay in the past". I always say, "ya, but...".
I've been writing a lot lately on my blog and just got through a big long thing on why I can't move on. You can read it here if you want:
But I have to stop and wonder, Can you ever really move on? I mean day to day, yes... but are you ever able to truly heal?
What are your thoughts...?
What do you think when people tell you to just "move on"?
by Moxie in...i've heard that a lot over the years.
"just get over it, let the past stay in the past".
i always say, "ya, but...".
...I've heard that a lot over the years. "Just get over it, let the past stay in the past". I always say, "ya, but...".
I've been writing a lot lately on my blog and just got through a big long thing on why I can't move on. You can read it here if you want to:
But I have to stop and wonder, Can you ever really move on? I mean day to day, yes... but are you ever able to truly heal?
What are your thoughts...?
Conference call lures in active Witnesses!
by kool aid man06 inthe live telephone conference call is attracting many participants, including active jehovah's witnesses.
interested people from all over the world are dialing up early and staying on late.
the rapidly changing doctrines of the watchtower org.
Rick, thank you for hosting these conference calls. This was my first time tuning in and I really respect what you are doing. The stories are just heartbreaking, but I think so much can be accomplished by hearing these stories, facing reality and doing what we can to help. I'll definitely be there in two weeks time. Thanks again, I applaud you. "Moxie"
Scientology Ads
by PrimateDave inso, has anyone else clicked the ads and watched the scientology videos?