JoinedTopics Started by scumrat
Have you outgrown the...
by scumrat inusefullness of this board?
has this forum served the purpose you expected it to?
we all know that the watchtower is a revolving door, people come go.
Do you use this site as a Pissing Post?
by scumrat inlets face it, there are many posts and replies about nonsensical bullshit that has nothing to do with the jw's.
what purpose does it serve?
do you do it to irritate other board members or just to get a reaction?
Please be aware Watchtower
by scumrat inyou can't plug all the leaks that have sprung up within your org.
invisibly educating the youth on up to the elderly.
it's only a matter of time.
Does anyone else have this problem?
by scumrat init's been 7 years since our divorce was final and every now and then my ex-wife will call and tell what she's up to and how she's doing ect.
( it's usually a tale of whoa ) anyway i find it kind of hilarious.
I need to vent. (Taxes)
by scumrat ini wasn't sure where to post this, but here it goes.
i had just received my tax forms back from my accountant with a note stating that he tried to call me but had a invalid number.
in writing he told me that he did not put my rent down as a deduction just like last year.
I need to vent. (Taxes)
by scumrat ini wasn't sure where to post this, but here it goes.
i had just received my tax forms back from my accountant with a note stating that he tried to call me but had a invalid number.
in writing he told me that he did not put my rent down as a deduction just like last year.
They were at my door Saturday
by scumrat ini had just got home after running some errands when i noticed 2 sisters at my door.
i got out of my car and asked if i could help them.
they started with their typical opening.
They were at my door Saturday
by scumrat ini had just got home after running some errands when i noticed 2 sisters at my door.
i got out of my car and asked if i could help them.
they started with their typical opening.