"yeah, its really hared to believe in something that has
never,ever been captured on any form of camera or other
recording device. Hell, there arent even any formulas
predicting the exictence of god either."
How was history recorded before TV came?AAAAAAAMMMM,
I think things were write down and documented. Do you read
the encyclepedia? Do you question it?
Even if god was 'captured' on tape or what ever, you would
probably still not beleive, why, becuase humans are good at
deflecting seemingly obvious thruth, with questions.Some
are conspericy therists,dont what to beleive in things
that are in front of them. Landing on the moon for exsample,
'cuaght on tape' yet some dont believe it happened, whatever.
"So what is the difference betwwen being an atheist and being
wrong, and having faith and being wrong?Your still wrong
at the end of the day,lol."
Well, I guess I will try and spell it out for you.
If you are an athiest and there is a god, you probably
will not have his favor(read about the anti-christ and his
future)Your future is in his hands.(I surely would not to be
dealt with by someone I have denyed existed)
On the other had,IF You have faith in god and he doesnt exist,
well, your fate would be the same, no harm either way, same consequence.
If you want to put in scintific terms-THIS ISNT ROCK SCIENCE!