What I am talking about a movie that you thought was great, but is mostly forgotten by most people today.
Well, my favorite overlooked movie is "A Perfect World." In it Kevin Costner is an escaped felon who escapes from prison with another felon. They then break into a house and kidnap a boy who is a (gasp!) JW. Clint Eastwood is the cop who assigned to find him and the boy.
The movie is interesting, because the boy does not act like a kidnapped victim. Acually, the Costner and the boy like each other and we see a bond formed. We learn that Costner had a bad childhood and later he takes the boy out to trick or treat. (Remember the boy was raised as a JW.) Another interesting thing is how Costner makes this character likeable. He is kind to the little boy and when we find the details of his life I kind of felt sorry for him. We realize that he in not necessarily an evil person.
The best since in the movie is when Costner and the boy are staying at the house of some strangers who have given them a place to stay. We see the way the grandfather treat the little boy of the house and this causes Costner to explode in a rage of violence.
The suprise is at the end when we find out a connection between Costner and Eastwood. Although there is not much violence in this movie, there is a shooting at the end, but it doesn't happen the way you think it would in a movie like this.
Next to "Schnidner's List" this was the best movie of 1993. It is ashame that most people didn't see it. It was also one of the few movies to protray Jehovah's Witness. If you get a chance do rent it, do so. You would be surprised.
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"