bad day? you want to talk about it?
bad day? you want to talk about it?
out in feild service many years ago a freind of mine was at the .
door with a middle aged mentally challanged guy from the hall,.
it was his turn to give a presentation and being challenged he.
Out in feild service many years ago a freind of mine was at the
door with a middle aged mentally challanged guy from the hall,
it was his turn to give a presentation and being challenged he
had a minor studdering problem ...anyway a older lady came to
the door and he started by interducing himself and my friend by
saying ' Hi, my name is dawayne and this is my long time best friend
for the past 10 years.....( turns and looks at him after an aqward pause)
By the way whats your name again?
I always remembered that story. Anyone else have funny moments or storys?
how the jw's explain heb.
being that anyone who died before christ would not have a heavenly hope,.
only a earthly hope, according to them.
how the Jw's explain Heb. 11?
Being that anyone who died before christ would not have a heavenly hope,
only a earthly hope, according to them. How does this jive with Heb. 11, espesially
vs. 16?Does not this verse alone disprove the 144,000 as literal. How do they explain this
what does creationism explain?.
what does it predict?.
what about blind cave fish with residual eyes.
>>> The common ancestor deverged into humans and chimps.It doesnt exist anymore.
-Thats convenent
>>> Wings didnt develope for flying at first.
-why did they develope wings at all,then?
>>> What do you mean?
- What do you mean, what do I mean?
>>> ???
- What gives the body the power to go against the path of least resistance?
>>>The created matter has the tendency to form complex molecules, etc.
-Again, how does an explosion CREATE anything? You bypassed the question.
i have an 84 year old customer that comes in every week with just a ton of "groaner" type jokes for me.
i am never prepared with any jokes in return, so i'm hoping y'all can assist.
i would like to start this thread with hopes you can post your really bad jokes...clean preferably.
A husband and wife go out to a fancy resturant on ther 30th
wedding anniversary. Though the course of dinner thay talk and
reflect on there life and 6 kids.This prompted the husband to ask
his wife, you know honey, all our kids look alike except Johny.I have always
wondered about that. She brakes down crying and says " ya, hes yours!"
what does creationism explain?.
what does it predict?.
what about blind cave fish with residual eyes.
- How is something created out of an explosion?
The big bang?
- Why do living creators heal themselves?
What gives the body power to fight deases,and not take the coarse of least resistence?
- How many times does an animal have to jump off a cliff before it or its offspring grow wings?
- Why is there no other creatures sitting at there computer on a saturday morning debating the origins of life with strangers? J/K
- If we have the same ancentory as chimps , why do thay still exist. Are there parents just lazy?
- Why is there not any 'smoking gun' evidence?
- Why cant answers be simple sometimes?
ooo, and also I already know I can believe in fairys if I want. I always love that one!
im a huge cowboy fan but i dont think they will make it to the super bowl, damn sure would love to be wrong.
ok here is who i think as of right now pittsburgh stealers and san francisco 49ers and god i hate them both, well thats my pick how about you?
Please God be any team but the packers!
living in the united states can and is taken for granted many times.
how vulnerable are we really?
sept. 11 came and shook this nation to its.
I agree with you, eveything will be alright, that wasnt my point. I dont
live life worrying about it, beleive me.Comparing our country to the situations
of other countrys is rediculious,there is no comparision.That being said, do
you feel that we are as safe as we were one year and change ago? No, things
have changed. My point was I feel these inceidents are related, sept. 11
anthrax D.C. and the sniper in D.C.
As for as the war on terrorism being here after iraq, your right it will always be there.
It was there before Sept11. Clinton had many chance to take out saddam and
bin laden, but didnt. And it will be here after saddam and bin ladden are taken out.
But never before have we been a target as much as we seem to be now.
living in the united states can and is taken for granted many times.
how vulnerable are we really?
sept. 11 came and shook this nation to its.
Living in the united states can and is taken for granted many times. But
how vulnerable are we really? Sept. 11 came and shook this nation to its
core, unlike its ever been shook before.Since, reports have come out that
there were 'signs' that may have prevented this tradgedy,most noteably the
case of zacharus meussoui(spell check) With in weeks of sept 11 anthrax
attacks were launched. We have no idea from who.Seamingly this is all
but forgotten, hardly reported.Some gov. officials came out and put the heat
on a u.s. citizan saying this was a domestic assualt.No arrests, only accusations.
Do you think a u.s. citizan could with in days of sept 11 have everything planed
out to carry out such an attack? I dont. Just a coinscidence, I dont think so.
Bottom line, the u.s. has no idea who and since seemingly have moved on to
other things, speaking of which Iraq.No dought the u.s. is going to war with Iraq.
Why?Just this week there are reports of bin laden being still alive and kicking.
Instead of finishing the war on alqada, we are starting another war with Iraq.Already
the war on terrorism is pushed to the middle of the A section.Why not finish one
job first.Then we come to the situation in the D.C. area., the D.C. sniper.Some
how a person or persons can and have shot 11 people and slipped away with
ease, sometimes in broad daylight.Just Monday after striking again the
police were on the scene in under two minutes, close off roads, having eye-
witnesses, know the van make, etc... still cant catch him.Do you think
this is the work of one crazy person that snapped? I dont, there are drive by
shotings all the time at night in the inner city and most times are caught.
This is different I think, a person working in a network able to hide within
blocks or miles from a shoting.All of these events I beleive are related and show
we are vulnerable.
monday nite football- michaels and madden, packers and bears woohoooo!!!
don't forget the beer and chips- and cheese!!
at stake?
Both teams suck and are no factor this season, just like the rest in
in the central. Go viks.