JoinedTopics Started by cawshun
by still_in74 inokay all, i know we talked about this a couple months ago but i am certain that in just the last few days jwd has seen an enormous surge in newbies!.
should we be concerned or excited or what??.
are we in a "sifting work" again?
How the new "generation" study went down in the meeting today
by slimboyfat ini made a big effort to get to the watchtower study today.
i have not been to the meetings much for months, but i figured this was a pretty historic "study" and i wanted to see reactions and how it would go down locally.
well a few things struck me as a bit odd in the study itself, and in the audience response as well.
Mr. Flipper Talks with Bethel Legal Service Desk Rep About JW Child Abuse
by flipper inwell - i had been wanting to do this for a long time , to question a legal department representative at bethel about the child abuse settlements and jw child abuse, since last year when the news came out about it.
especially since my dad , an elder for years was never aware of it and has on his own taken steps to see that families with children are informed if a former pedophile is in their congregation.
i was curious as to what the current views and policies in place are .
Calling all ELDERS
by The Oracle inif you are an elder who frequents this site, please let me know.. i am trying to connect (completely anonymously - your privacy is assured) with as many elders as i can.
i know that there are hundreds of elders in the same position as myself (have had our awakening and have come to realize that "the truth" is a sham).. i encourage you to continue to serve as an elder and for you to work together with other like minded elders as a collective force for true good.
there is much we can do from the inside to help the cause.. there are thousands and indeed millions of kind and honest hearted people whose only crime is that they have allowed themselves to be deceived and are still active jws.
All Ex-Elders, Mr.Flipper going to Final MeetingW/Elders! I'll be careful!
by flipper inhello ex-elders, onthe wayout, snakes, and wilyloman, just to refresh about a month ago i told you all that the appeal committee had overturned the disfellowshipping decision by the original jc as the appeal committee got a hold of me by phone and told me the society gave them direction in this.
i have since explained the situation to my witness mom and dad, 80 &82, they are good with it.
i am taking copies of the counsel you ex elders gave to me to be careful about what i say at this "alleged encouragement" meeting and promise you this, i'll watch my words carefully when they ask me questions.
For Lurkers Only
by nvrgnbk inare you an active jehovah's witness?.
i was when i found this place.. this place, jwd, didn't change that.. i knew that so many things were wrong with the organization.
i was an elder.
by Mary inde judge hated christmas!
"i must find a way to keep christmas from coming!
i must stop christmas from coming!
Question about shunning from someone who has never been a JW....
by whyizit ini wondered, since the jws claim that jesus is their teacher, what evidence do they have of jesus shunning "bad associations"?
it seems to me, from reading the bible, that the religious people of his day really gave him a hard time, because he actually spent the majority of his time with "bad associates", rather than shunning them.
thomas, though he followed jesus, wasn't totally convinced.
Field Service, Anyone?
by Farkel inthe human brain is a non-stop chattering machine.
it is constantly evaluating, making decisions and judgments.
there is not a human being alive that isn't an abject hypocrite nearly every day.