JoinedTopics Started by Finkelstein
Mankind proved they can't rule?
by Simon inaccording to the jw doctrine, mankind has tried every form of goverment but ultimately failed to rule successfully.
so many wars ... we really need big j to sort things out.
what a swell guy.
Taking a new look at "the last days"
by JeffT ina different view of matthew 24. a striking feature of all this writing (the new testament) is that it was dine in the street language of the day, the idiom of the playground and marketplace.
in the greek-speaking world of that day there were two levels of language: formal and informal.
formal language was used to write philosophy and history, government decrees and epic poetry.
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link :
The Watchtower and the Masons
by ozziepost inthe latest edition of the free in christ ministries journal contains a very interesting article entitled the watchtower and masons.. drawing upon material from the book the watchtower & the masons by fritz springmeier, it gives the following parallels between the things that c t russell believed and those taught by the masons:.
* both believe jehovah is the most important word being the basis of their dogma, and the name of their god.
* both believe god yielded power to a lesser god.
Why is this an APOSTATE site?!?
by LaraK ini made a big mistake when signing up at this supposed website for jehovah's witnesses.
after reading some things on this site it has become apparent to me that this site is nothing put another pathetic site for apostates: people who betrayed jehovah, left the truth, and are so bitter about their experiene in the truth, and they are angry just like satan because they know they will very soon be dead at jehovah's hand!.
this website should be renamed something more fitting like "satan's playground" or a similar name that would get across the message of your site.. sincerely,.
Charitable Planning/Brochure is here
by stephenw20 innamaste........ i recieved my brochure the other day from the legal department of the wtbts in patterson ny.. i have not had devoted time to look at all 32 pages with the most critcal eye, but will share my most immediate observations.... first, we are not talking about some newspaper type document.
in my opinion, it is the finest layout and printing job done by the society to date.
the copy i have is copyright 2000. the fund that orginally peaked my interest is not mentioned anywhere i can find.. of the 32 pages only 6 have no color pictures on them.
Did Snakes have Legs? Yes/No
by Thirdson ini managed to find a piece i wrote last year and subsequently lost.
thanks to the archiving efforts of a very good person i have managed to get it back.
thinking about some posts here recently regarding the genesis account of the fall of man, i recalled a conversation with a friend a few years back.
by Tigger inim new here, so go easy with me!
just wanted to know if any one has any idea's or personal experience in regard to drug and alcohol abuse in former jw's.
all the one's i know have just lost the plot when it comes drugs and alcohol, especially drug use.