LEFT SOCIALIST DEMS wanted high death rates
Yes that's why they influenced Trump to play down the virus and its deadly consequences to the general public.
the media like cnn msnbc, nytimes, etc.
have incentives to scare the public and encourage lock down--blame trump.. democrats also have incentives, to lock down the country—blame trump.
there were incentives for hospitals to report every death as a covid death------30,000 us dollars funded from the government for every covid death reported by any hospital.
LEFT SOCIALIST DEMS wanted high death rates
Yes that's why they influenced Trump to play down the virus and its deadly consequences to the general public.
for myself i just try to avoid them intentionally maybe see them once every couple of years on average.
they used to be easy going but over the last 10 years or so they got more cult like and distant and i'm really not bothered by that, maybe a bit.
they stick to their own or other members like they are their family so, its makes it unattractive for myself to connect and reach out to them anymore.
So, your relatives have gotten more cult-like and distant over the last decade or so?
No that hasn't come about, they are financially alright but a little more cultish off putting is noticeable.
I think the WTS has indoctrinated them to be this way Loyalty, Loyalty
is the pressing mantra coming out the WT/JWorg in recent times.
stumbled upon this article - not that the wt society ever highlighted the date of 1975, but that was brothers running ahead... .
w68 8/15 pp.
494-501. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1968602#h=1:0 .
he reckoned the rank and file could be kept so busy "selling literature" that they would fail to notice they had been conned.
Correct and that continuation of a con carried on through with F Franz and his 6000 years of mankind's existence.
A publicity ploy for the proliferation of the literature.
This is the main reason why I say the inherent corruption of the WTS was with its pressing literature proliferation agenda.
The WTS exploited the freedom of press and freedom of religion given and established in the United States.
Well those boys could see the Statue of Liberty where they were every day.
" Oh but the anointed brothers would never be involved lying and deceiving people "
"Jehovah choose them for their honest and righteous integrity in interpreting the scriptures."
stumbled upon this article - not that the wt society ever highlighted the date of 1975, but that was brothers running ahead... .
w68 8/15 pp.
494-501. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1968602#h=1:0 .
"This is all BS"
True but the intent was indeed successful toward enhancing the proliferation of the literature the WTS published.
Jah's "Chosen" earthly publishing house was corrupt, lying and devious.for myself i just try to avoid them intentionally maybe see them once every couple of years on average.
they used to be easy going but over the last 10 years or so they got more cult like and distant and i'm really not bothered by that, maybe a bit.
they stick to their own or other members like they are their family so, its makes it unattractive for myself to connect and reach out to them anymore.
Good point Atlantis, the fear mongers are at their old game.
The biggest enemy the WTS/JWS has to face now is the truth about the organization, people who talk are therefore dangerous, people who have left are extremely dangerous.
One of most disgusting things about this religous organization its potential toward breaking up families.
is this just a coincidence?
is trump a “super spreader”?
is this a republican payback?
It may be a result of people letting their guard down and not taking the advise of experts in the field with contagious deceases and viruses, such as social distancing and mask wearing.
The top administration and assistants to Trump may have thought their inner social circle was clean and protected, they now know that was not true..
The only way to protect an active social environment is to test people creating a guarded bubble and keep them there as it were or to test them everyday with quick results before interaction with one another..
a month ago it might have been questionable.
not now.
after bader’s death and biden’s inability, this shouldn’t be close.
One of the most discouraging signs for Republicans is this: if polls are as wrong this year as they were in 2016, Biden would still win the election by a comfortable margin, according to the Times, which gives Biden 319 electoral votes under the hypothetical polling error. Only 270 electoral votes are needed to win.
For those keeping track: Biden’s lead right now is significantly wider than Hillary Clinton’s was at this time in 2016, when she held a 5.6-point advantage over Trump.
for myself i just try to avoid them intentionally maybe see them once every couple of years on average.
they used to be easy going but over the last 10 years or so they got more cult like and distant and i'm really not bothered by that, maybe a bit.
they stick to their own or other members like they are their family so, its makes it unattractive for myself to connect and reach out to them anymore.
Verenda the JWS religion turns people into apathetic cruel assholes through the mental indoctrination by its leaders, who derive and try to emulate the ancient Hebrew social directives a civilization that existed 3000 years past in human history.
Gay people (homosexuals) are born that way and we shouldn't demean and be judgemental toward because of that fact.
for myself i just try to avoid them intentionally maybe see them once every couple of years on average.
they used to be easy going but over the last 10 years or so they got more cult like and distant and i'm really not bothered by that, maybe a bit.
they stick to their own or other members like they are their family so, its makes it unattractive for myself to connect and reach out to them anymore.
The JW religion has many causative results over the years of doing damage to people.
One story comes to mind which came out here about 10 years ago where a young fellow came out as gay, he was baptized as a young teenager.
Well he got DFed of course and his family quickly abandoned him completely.
I guess he was struggling with new identity where his family (parents) gave him the shoulder, unfortunately he took his own life out depression.
for myself i just try to avoid them intentionally maybe see them once every couple of years on average.
they used to be easy going but over the last 10 years or so they got more cult like and distant and i'm really not bothered by that, maybe a bit.
they stick to their own or other members like they are their family so, its makes it unattractive for myself to connect and reach out to them anymore.
So it would appear the WTS/JWorg has ramped its intentional distancing of its members with non members and these actions are observable, not only in my own family but others as well.