JoinedTopics Started by Fester
Help with refining these questions for JW's
by S EIGHT ini am slowly building a list of questions designed to help jw's "think" about the "truth".
please let me know if you think they can be refined or added to.. cheers,.
1. specifically, what was jesus looking for in 1918 when he looked upon the earth to identify his faithful and discrete slave?.
A Question To All on this Board
by kes152 inhello,.
i have been reading this board for some time and would like to ask: why you come here and post?
what do you all hope to accomplish by being here?.
Peace or Sword?
by Fester inmat 10:34 "do not think that i have come to bring peace to the earth.
i have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
mat 10:35 for i have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
Biggest Reason For My Leaving....
by Fester ini wanted to share with everyone, why i left religion all together, in favor of thinking for myself, and believing in myself.. in the bible, there are of course several accounts which i consider to be barbaric and gruesome.
i also consider the worst accounts to be inhumane.
if the bible god is consistent in one thing, it is the continuing theme of inflicting torture and torment on humanity.
Greetings Deists
by Fester ini initially joined this group a couple of years back thinking it would be a great place to spread the real good news about deism.
if you're unfamiliar with deism, please check out the site:.
Questions for BANE, SCHOLAR, and All Jehovah's Witnesses!
by UnDisfellowshipped inyou don't have to answer all of them at once.
i would be happy to see your answers to any of these questions.. remember, the inspired apostle peter gave this direction in the holy scriptures: "always [be] ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect.
" (1st peter 3:15).
If the bible is god's handbook for man, why is it such gobbledegook?
by Aussie Oz ini don't mean the basic moral code of behavior (that many non biblical lands also just happen to have) that people use to model their lives, but the 'deeper' stuff.... assuming that god has had his divine plan for vindicating himself etc ever since he figured that adam may screw up, and he needed to let faithful mankind know the 'plan' and how to survive it all.... why is the important stuff all gobbledegook?.
the time frame, prophecy, signs and so on are all so obscure that even the cleverest theologians can't understand it or agree on it.
the 'truth' is so muddled and juggled up that every understanding can be logically challenged with an equally challengable one.
I think I'm at the point where I really don't give a rats ass about the WTBS
by gubberningbody ini do like the people who were hopeful enough to get sucked in and honest enough to leave, and to me these are the ones i feel are my "brothers" and "sisters".. .
now i'm at the point in my life where i really just need to make money and try to enjoy what time i've got left.
that doesn't mean i've abandoned the search for the meaning of life, but it does mean that, like king david did in his intelligent pragmatism, realize that running around and hiding in caves from saul just wasn't getting it done and he needed to work, so he got a job as a mercenary working for the philistines.. .
Superman Comics
by Fester inhey everyone.
i am looking for the superman comic with jehovah's witnesses in it.
does anyone have that issue?