Everything in my post I was relating to myself. And no I REALLY have not heard anyone say honkie, except George Jefferson on the fictional TV show the Jefferson. Yes I have heard the term cracker, redneck, nigger, spike (daily), you name them I have heard them and have thought and said them myself. The case of the police harassing my family, I called them everthing but a child of god and meant every word.
And I REALLY WISH NOT TO DISCUSS THIS ISSUE FURTHER IN THIS topic, because we are off the topic, which is JW/Gay's adoption.
Bad Associate,
What you describe is not racism, it's predjudice. I feel we all are prejudice, being that we have preferences.
Racism is where a person feel they're more superior than another race just because of their ethnic background. And America is a great example of where laws were made to specifically exclude a group of people or even their sexual preference.
Yes I am predjucie. I'm more comfortable with people I can relate to and in my experience not because they are black (because I have two very very close friends - one is Bolivian and the other German). I have made predjudice judgements against blacks, indians, germans, asians, you name it. But I have never wanted to cause unnecessary harm to someone because of their ethnic background. So I totally agree with you post.
And Englishman you are totally on the mark, when you say....
......but, on the odd occasion that it has cropped up it has made me feel very ashamed of my fellow man.
Happy to be Free (Me)