I don't agree we need to burn fossil fuels to eat.
Outstanding. You've made my point, and while I'm annoyed in very much the same way as I originally posted to rant about, I appreciate the opportunity to spank your mentally masturbating ass into some glimmer of understanding after which my hope of discussing the salvation of the world with people who aren't ignorant will get a small but perceptible boost. I have no illusions of success, but it feels good to try.
You buy your food with money. Money you earn after you burn fossil fuel to haul your ignorant ass to work. You work somewhere where the factors of production (whatever they are, materials, equipment, parts, paper, frickin' bottle of white-out or a paper clip) to make your product or service are brought to your workplace by vehicles that burn fossil fuel. The factories that made the car you drive to work and the trucks that brought the factors of production for your product or service burned fossil fuel to extract the steel from the ground, process the steel from mineral form to metal form, bend/mold/extrude the steel into the various parts that compose the car or truck and the vehicles that brought the vehicles to the places where the vehicles are sold also burn fossil fuel to do that. When you take your money that you got from burning fossil fuel you will buy food that was fertilized by Ammonia that was created at a plant which uses the Haber process to convert Natural Gas (a fossil fuel) and atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to Ammonia (NH3). Without this factory that consumes fossil fuel to make a vital nutrient to grow your food, there would not be even a tiny fraction of the nutrient available to grow the food that is currently grown. Not having Ammonia means far less food than mankind currently needs. There alone, people starve without fossil fuel (not to mention that nobody would have access to food off their own back 40 to eat anyways because to bring the food to people or to bring people to food, fossil fuel is consumed. To bring this fossil-fuel derived vital nutrient to the farms that grow your food, yes, it is loaded onto trucks or trains that burn fossil fuel to bring it to the fields. When Farmer Johnson buys fertilizer to grow your food, he drags the nutrient on a trailer behind a tractor, that burns fossil fuel. When farmer johnson plows his field it emits the same greenhouse gasses to atmosphere as are emitted when you burn fossil fuel. Pesticides and other chemicals derived from fossil fuel are applied to ensure that your food is eaten by you and not enormous swarms of insects. When your food survives thanks to fossil fuel and is ready for harvest, it is harvested by tractors that burn fossil fuel, loaded onto trucks that burn fossil fuel, by equipment that burns fossil fuel. The trucks then burn fossil fuel to transport your food to some local store which is lighted, heated, ventillated and cooled by equipment that runs on electricity generated from burning fossil fuel. You then take your fossil fuel derived money and your fossil fuel derived and fueled car to the fossil fuel operated store to buy your fossil fuel chilled, packaged, preserved, grown, and transported food.
If I take your fossil fueled life support out from around you, you will die desperately trying to gnaw at tree bark to calm your hunger pains or at the hands of the desperate man next to you who wants to gnaw the bark to calm his. Be informed, you are a fool in the grand tradition of a Jehovah's Witness. Ignorance is grand, so long as it sounds righteous. It all works fine until your ignorant ideas are actually put into practice and somebody gets hurt.
I hope you find this illuminating.