Hope to see you in London in the Spring. You have my email. Miss ya.
thanks to all who have contributed to this site.
i was counting on your support during my fade.
i guess i missed the boat.
Hope to see you in London in the Spring. You have my email. Miss ya.
many of you know that i had bilateral vocal cord paralysis.
the cords were in the closed position and required tracheostomy.
i had the trach for about 5 months.
OMG Ms. your experiences are freaking me out. I'm having thyroid issues too. I have cysts on my thyroid so it's swollen on the left side and making it underactive. I'm on eltroxin and they monitor the cysts every 6 months....I seriously hope I dont need surgery to remove them. I'll keep your advice in mind though. thanks.
I really hope things start looking up for ya.
after a year of reading all of your experiences and expressions i decided it was time for me to start sharing some of mine.
hopefully they can benefit others, like many of yours have benefited me!
being raised in the wtbts, the jehovahs witness docrine and culture really was the prism from which all of my experiences and understanding of life originated.
Hi there. It's good to have ya on board. I too remember the possessed smurf story. It's amazing that adults could spread such rubbish.
many of you know that i had bilateral vocal cord paralysis.
the cords were in the closed position and required tracheostomy.
i had the trach for about 5 months.
Hang in there Ms. I don't know anything about your condition, but my dad had a permanent trach and there were always complications. It was quite awful whenever he had a cold. Are you able to talk?
I was on steroids for a few months and I know EXACTLY what you mean about food tasting better. Also, I never felt full! So I did inevitably gain some pounds.
Hope you are doing better soon.
mine is australia.
the's so much to do there, the climate is so warm, the wildlife there is so vast & interesting, you can scuba dive the great barrier reef, there's so many cool beaches and overall it seems quite civilised.
i'd love to go back there again for another jolliday.. what's yours?.
YAY. somebody mentioned Ireland. You haven't lived until you see western Ireland - Galway, Clare, Kerry. I, personally, was pleasantly surprised by Brussels, Belgium. You can drink awesome beer and eat outside nearly everywhere. the people are pleasant for it being a big city. The architecture is pretty amazing. AND the chocolate! YUM. It's phenomenal. We'll definitely go back and check out the countryside next time.
for some reason, it just cracks me up.
stupidest humour ever, but damn its hilarious.
Love it. i wish I could blurt things out like Sarah does.
something switch said reminded me of what three of my old jw girlfriends have said -.
"all my friends are leaving the truth!!!"..
you'd think it would make them think and research the 'why'.
It's so true. I was always amazed at how many from my generation disappeared from my old Hall. I'd say 70% left a long time ago. I guess that agrees with the Pew report. Two women are still faithfully going to my old Hall and unfortunately they were my closest friends. :-(
i've been away from jwd for a month or so.
i've just been busy in life and am trying to rebuild, or should i say, make new friendships but it is slow-going.
missinglink and i haven't been to any meetings since april and have no plans in going back.
Yeah, LovesDubs, I'm hoping she starts thinking about some of the things we've discussed. She did say that she was wondering why so many of her friends and family have been leaving the org. Also, she deleted us as friends from Facebook but she later signed on to continue receiving book reviews from Hubby. How interesting is that? (She deleted us originally cuz he wrote the truth about a couple of their publications that he researched,)
i really need to share this story and it's in hopes someone else finds it enlightening or helpful....i know there are a lot of other people out there who have 'difficult' kids and get the third degree from teachers, relatives and friends.
here's my story, how my family worked through two huge challenges, the symptoms, the diagnoses and the practical tasks that helped us:.
my son with autism-my oldest son was an angel at home, quiet, loved to draw and from a yound age would spend hours drawing and painting.
Hi Milli. Thanks so much for sharing that. We've discussed our high-maintenance kids before and I never got back to PM-ing you. It's a rollercoaster ride at our house. I've read a few books on multiple syndromes in kids and I realize it's not always easy for them to diagnose. And I think most kids don't just fit perfectly in one syndrome as I suspect is the case with our little boy.
On Tuesday, he is going to have an evaluation. I'm really nervous about it. He's a bright and charming kid when you meet him. He'll talk to anyone, old or young. He's never been shy at all and I think that is so cool. His quirky things are he likes to be in motion. Mainly hopping, running or doing figure 8's with his head. He also will say something and then repeat it two more times in a whisper. He doesn't like loud music or certain higher pitched cartoon character voices. He'll cover his ears sometimes when he doesn't like certain sounds on the telly (even though it's not loud) and if it really bothers him, he'll start crying. He's always been a fussy eater and didn't like certain textures even as a baby.
It's funny that you describe them as meltdowns cuz that's exactly the word that hubby and I use for his episodes. It's hard to describe to anyone cuz most times we don't know what triggers the meltdowns. We once had a 3 hour crying and screaming meltdown because we asked him to put the eggs away. He can be extremely defiant and that's the scariest symptom for me. He's just turned 6 and for a time would hit and kick at us. Now he just screams threats at us and sometimes finds something to kick or knock over. Is all that rage normal for a little kid?
Having said all that, he's doing very well in school. He had a bumpy first year but settled his second year and is cooperative and attentive. So that makes me question from time to time if I'm imagining all the rest to be abnormal. Dunno.
I hope to have some answers soon. Does this sound familiar to anyone else?
i've just had some shelving put up by my mother's husband...and she is coming round to look at my library.. she is jw..... what will she think of the books i have on there?.
would you let a jw relative see your library?.
some books:.
They wouldn't say anything to my face but they'd run away and tell on me. It's the JW-way.
When ya got friends like that, who needs enemies??