Hello everyone! After a year of reading all of your experiences and expressions I decided it was time for me to start sharing some of mine. Hopefully they can benefit others, like many of yours have benefited me! Being raised in the WTBTS, the Jehovahs Witness Docrine and culture really was the prism from which all of my experiences and understanding of life originated. Even if it did not seem practical or correct it was taught that in time the "Truth" would in time prove that, in fact the Faithful and Discreet Slave intentions were wholesome and loving and that their beliefs would "prove true". The discussions on this board really helped me understand why I had such a problem being enthusiastic toward serving a God that created all things as well as myself! That actually my observations and suspicions of the FDS since childhood (1914 generation-FDS living in poverty at Bethyl-school mates under Satans power-elders having Holy Spirit in the BACKROOM..LOL,etc.) really were correct, but the intentional lack of opportunity to express those thoughts keeped me from acting on them. What this forum has done is to absolutely demolish the idea that any of the known problems in the congregations are isolated exceptions, but rather, they are persistant challenges that the Organization has to deal with just like every other organization or institution does. The Forum also showed that many had experienced what I had. From dealing with elders presenting there congregations as much more safe and clean than they really were, PO's, CO's, DO's, presenting the FDS as much more pure than they were(Judge Rutherford's Era- Albert Shroeder sending his son the Cornel- Milton "Five Star Hotel" Henshel or anything to do with Freddy) orwhen on one topic about the Governing Body it was mentioned that the FDS is never wrong "right now"! So true...I just never simplified it, it is either "new light" or "old light" with them. I actually spent hours reading the thread about Kingdom Melodies. Some of that stuff I never recognized, also some of the songs remembered by those who have left and the reasons why were hysterical!!! And then the topic that really made me feel like I was a part of this Forum was a simple yet significant post about the Smurfs. I thought that was just something my mom's friends made up becauce the cartoon was so popular in the "world".I actually had to throw away a small Smurf figurine collection (Handy,Brainy,Painter,Clumsy and Papa Smurf. I think I even had Gargamel...LOL) becauce of that Urban(congregation)Legend, about one walking out of a Kingdom Hall! Obviously there are much deeper topics to discuss, but that just struck a cord with me leading to my alias! Well I will post a little bit every now and again, thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to other topics to discuss! PS...thanks to those who helped me with a technical diffuculty I had when first registering.
My First Post!!!
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 42 Replies latest jw friends
Congratulations and Welcome !!!
I love your avatar and your nick, good choices. -
Welcome to the forum (or at least posting on it, since you've been reading awhile). :D I have to say I love your screen name...it's certainly a classic. LOL
Hello and WELCOME, IreallyDid!
Here is a tip about keeping paragraphs where you put them:
Welcome, IRDWOAKH!!!
Glad you decided to come out and share your experience. We get new people every week and it's great to share stories and help support others in their new awakening.
Stick around!
Its a great feeling being out isn't it. Scary too but that goes away. We're here for you
You guys are fast....I thought I would have to wait a day or so ..wow. Thanks for the tip on paragraphs BabaYaga. I just got a little to excited and kept putting sentences together and then hit submit. Love my abbreviated name sacolton!
Welcome to JWD....
Thanks for sharing.
welcome! I'm glad you jumped into the waters here. Nice place, all sorts of interesting folks. BTW, I never heard the smurf thing until I started reading this board. Either I never paid much attention or it wasn't a big deal in all congregations. Nuts, though. One thing I am continually amazed at is how superstitious JWs are, and how much they worship demons.