Hi Milli. Thanks so much for sharing that. We've discussed our high-maintenance kids before and I never got back to PM-ing you. It's a rollercoaster ride at our house. I've read a few books on multiple syndromes in kids and I realize it's not always easy for them to diagnose. And I think most kids don't just fit perfectly in one syndrome as I suspect is the case with our little boy.
On Tuesday, he is going to have an evaluation. I'm really nervous about it. He's a bright and charming kid when you meet him. He'll talk to anyone, old or young. He's never been shy at all and I think that is so cool. His quirky things are he likes to be in motion. Mainly hopping, running or doing figure 8's with his head. He also will say something and then repeat it two more times in a whisper. He doesn't like loud music or certain higher pitched cartoon character voices. He'll cover his ears sometimes when he doesn't like certain sounds on the telly (even though it's not loud) and if it really bothers him, he'll start crying. He's always been a fussy eater and didn't like certain textures even as a baby.
It's funny that you describe them as meltdowns cuz that's exactly the word that hubby and I use for his episodes. It's hard to describe to anyone cuz most times we don't know what triggers the meltdowns. We once had a 3 hour crying and screaming meltdown because we asked him to put the eggs away. He can be extremely defiant and that's the scariest symptom for me. He's just turned 6 and for a time would hit and kick at us. Now he just screams threats at us and sometimes finds something to kick or knock over. Is all that rage normal for a little kid?
Having said all that, he's doing very well in school. He had a bumpy first year but settled his second year and is cooperative and attentive. So that makes me question from time to time if I'm imagining all the rest to be abnormal. Dunno.
I hope to have some answers soon. Does this sound familiar to anyone else?