The important thing is that these guys (or ladies) are around and allowed to freely speak.
Where they fall flat is with their strawman man and ad hominen attacks. People like Alan, Farkel, Norm, Kent and others can use the Watch Tower magazines own words and then expose the nonsense in the arguement. Thus, for any witness who "stumbles into this site" they get to see the real problems with the Borg.
I must admit the part that impresses me is that these people don't quit. I was in a debate and exposing the blood policy for what it is with about six other witnesses at the Omaha World Herald newspaper site. Thanks to the power provided by Lee Elder, Wayne, Jeffry and Dr. Muramoto, they didn't stand a chance and they stopped debating with me. The same was true when Dr. S. Muramoto, Lee Elder, Jeffry and others exposed the blood doctrine at the bmj site. The HLC member & other witnesses went for a while but enventually quit posting (guess they knew they were "licked").
Remember freedom for all will eventually stop the bigotry (in this case creed bigotry). Because freedom allows the bigotry to be exposed for what it is and how it hurts.