"You can print out the "child abuse telememo" and ask them why would WTS need this form if child abuse was so rare within WTS ..."
There are 3 copies of the telememo on Barbara's summary. Make sure to use the newest one that is 2 pages. Look over the questions on the telememo carefully and make sure they read the last question. "9. How many elders felt that the victim was somewhat at fault or willingly participated in the acts?"
You would blow your cover by using the Oct 2007 Awake unless they provided you with a copy of it. If so, point out to them 1st para on page 11. It says, "Hence, it is widely agreed that children cannot give any meaningful consent to engage in sexual relations. In other words, if an adult (or significantly older youth) has relations with a child, the older person cannot excuse the act by saying that the child did not object or that the child asked for it. The adult is guilty of rape. This is a crime, often punishable by a prison sentence. The responsibility for the rape belongs with the rapist, not the unwilling victim."
Again, we see them speaking out of both sides of their mouths. In public they play all nice but in the private/secret telememo you see what they really think.