WORSE THAN TSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Warlock 49 Replies latest jw friends
I saw that earlier today at Ron Paul Forums. Pretty bad. YOU MUST SUBMIT!
Since I'm half asleep and can't think, I'm drawing a blank on TSA... help me out will ya?
I brought up the TSA thread.
Mrs. Fiorini
TSA = Transportation Security Administration
Ahhhh, thank you Mrs. Fiorini!
i guess removing all of a persons rights is next on the agenda, to bad he couldnt have somehow produced his lawyer the second they started giving him crap.
who else thinks the video will some how evaporate or be "cough" misplaced
This is getting ridiculous! Why are these assholes still working? Why aren't they in JAIL!?
I have been through the inspection stations in Texas and New Mexico many times and the one on I-8 in Arizona only once. The agents are always cordial and respectful. As I drove through, I put my window down so they could see me. They motioned me right on through even though my eyes were bloodshot from driving for a long time.
I agree these guys at this Arizona checkpoint did not handle this situation properly. When they saw Anderson was just trying to cause trouble all they had to do was record his license plate in case they needed to follow up and send him on his way. This is not the first YouTube he has put up documenting his travel through the checkpoints.
Anderson has been making this trip every week for some time now if I remember correctly. You would think they would be familiar with him by now and know the game he is playing and not be sucked into it. Every employee involved at that checkpoint was incredibly stupid and let their testosterone take over.
The only time I felt really irritated was at the checkpoint on Hwy 80 north of Tombstone. They had a checkpoint set up just a few yards north of Hwy 82. Anyone wanting to avoid the checkpoint could just turn left onto Hwy 82 and head west over to Hwy 90 and points west & north. Totally useless as far as catching illegals & drugs (unless they had another station set up I don't know about.) Which brings up the point - is that what they are really there for.
The tape will probably be pulled because the information is incorrect.
The title on the video names DHS which is "Department of Homeland Security".
At no time did the man in the video say "DHS". He said DPS which is Department of public safety.
Is this guy a preacher or a political activist? Did he not read, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's? If he is a preacher, then he should have simply cooperated and been done with it. If a political activist - then by all means, he is on to something ... and more needs to be made public. However, this stuff is not new. Our civil rights and liberties have been eroding for the past 50 years to the point where the Constitution is barely recognizable ... and both political parties are responsible for that erosion ... and we the people bare some blame for letting them get away with it.
But there is still something fishy about this "preacher's" story ... I just can't quite completely swallow it ... I would like to hear the cops side of the story ... and see the police video ... maybe it will show up on the TV show "Cops" or one of the Cable TV reality police shows.
When returning from Canada in the 1974, with my family and brother-in-law and his family ... the US Border guards, in military-style uniform, were rather cocky, carried automatic weapons, inspected us for illegal drugs, and acted like we were guilty of something ... fortunately our little children stayed asleep. They asked if we had any products from Cuba that we bought in Canada ... as it was illegal at the time to import products made in Cuba, like cigars, rum, etc. It was tense, and surprised me to see how they treated us. My subsequent trips back from Canada have all been much nicer, even after 9-11 ... and the Border personnel were all dressed in civilian clothing and unarmed.