I don't remember the persons name but I'll see if I can find it on a rerun.
come out of the bottom of a totter into the hopper of my trash truck.
because that exactly where they all belong.
in the bottom of the landfill.
I don't remember the persons name but I'll see if I can find it on a rerun.
come out of the bottom of a totter into the hopper of my trash truck.
because that exactly where they all belong.
in the bottom of the landfill.
I was watching one of the tv shows on hoarding the other day and the cameraman zoomed in for several seconds on one of the newer Kingdom song books floating in water in a pile of hoarded garbage in his basement. A few minutes later they were showing the main part of the house and twice zoomed in on a Watchtower laying in among all the garbage in the house.
hi- i just wanted to say that i have been checking the website out for a few weeks and have read some horror stories and some sad ones.
but i have been studying with witnessess for about six months and can't help but feel that they're completely sincere and maybe even, the true religion.
i love the watchtower and awake and to me, none of that seems crazy.
you said, 'and the JW's are about the only religion who seems to give credence to demons'
They do like to scare you to death about demons. A few weeks ago I took my JW mother to the doctor and set my GPS for directions. Before we had gone 3 miles she had decided the GPS had to be demonized to know where we were and tell us where to turn.
Also, my sister that is still entrenched had a frightening experience. I had given her a book by Lillian Braun to read. The main character is a cat that has extraordinary powers. She left it in her car because she was afraid to take it in the house. She was afraid it was demonized because of the cat's ficticious 'powers'. One day she was driving down the road her car radio came on real loud. It happened again another day and she stopped and threw the book out the window. (It was an older vehicle and I understand electrical things can go haywire and cause this). I read all the authors books as did my elderly aunt and neither of us had any problems with demons.
I'm surprised Baptists do not give credence to demons. Aren't they all about hellfire and damnation? I thought most all religions were. (As JWs we never learned about other religions - just that they are evil) Maybe they just don't want to frighten their people like the Watchtower does.
hi- i just wanted to say that i have been checking the website out for a few weeks and have read some horror stories and some sad ones.
but i have been studying with witnessess for about six months and can't help but feel that they're completely sincere and maybe even, the true religion.
i love the watchtower and awake and to me, none of that seems crazy.
Welcome to the board. I was born in - 3rd generation. It was all I ever knew growing up so it took me a long time - about 30 years - to start questioning anything. Keep up your research. Read 'Crisis of Conscience' by Ray Franz. (You are not allowed to read it later after you are baptised into the Watchtower organization.) There are several others to read too but I think this one should be first.
Many of the JWs truly believe they are doing God's work. They do not realize they are working solely for a publishing company. They do not see how controlled and even brainwashed they are. They accept every change in doctrine as new light directly from God.
During your studies ask them direct questions. One topic per week. Do your research first so you will already know the answer. You will see their true colors when you start questioning them. Also read up on their history. Most JWs have no idea of their true history - I didn't. A good place to start here is the 'Best of Topics' on the Home Page. Don't be surprised if they stop the study after a few weeks of your questions.
Leonard Miller (Fatfreek on here) did an excellent paper on Flip Flops which I love. He wrote it a few years ago so it does not include the recent generation doctrine change.
Here is the link -
i have put together a video - growing up a jehovah's witness 1960 -2010. it aims to show the things a witnesses would be taught as they age over those decades.
it is 15 minutes long.
this is my first attempt at a video and it took a while to work out how to use final cut, so please feel free to make suggestions if anything should be changed.
An excellent piece of work. I sent it to several people already.
I also had a little problem with Lance only reading parts of the quotes but figured it might be a time issue.
One other thing I noticed was when you played the talk by Ciro. The background music and noises covered up a lot of what he was saying. If he could be the main focus that would be great. What he says is very important is showing how rediculous they are.
Also had a problem hearing Charles S. too. Maybe it's just my hearing.
One last thing - the baptism questions. The screen fades out too soon - before Lance is finished reading the second question which is the most important one.
another ex-dub was talking to me about nutrition and healthy lifestyle, natural remedies, etc.
i've been getting into it.. i came across dr. fuhrman.
he's an authority (board certified family physician).
Sounds a lot like T. Collin Campbell, Ph D. He and Thomas M Campbell II wrote The China Study.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. (author Eat To Live) wrote a comment for the book. I assume he's the same guy you are talking about.
Is it really a cult or just the right way to eat? We eat very little meat any more and only buy whole grain pastas and breads. No cows milk. We use either rice or almond milk. My granddaughter's pediatrician told us she does not need cows milk at all. He did suggest a little yogurt and cheese for her. Another doctor in Arizona told me to not use cow or soy milk. He suggested rice milk.
We try to eat mostly raw or lightly cooked veggies. Dr. Campbell's book really goes into detail about what they learned concerning meat protein and cancer. He says don't eat anything that has a mother or a face. : ) I read somewhere recently that brown rice and beans make a complete protein to replace meat.
please view this video:.
"If the United States doesn't allow him to administer his treatment to willing patients outside of clinical trials then I am sure there are other countries where he would be allowed. Why doesn't he relocate somewhere else?"
I watched the movie about Burzynski last night. While watching it, I also wondered why he didn't go to another country to practice. Apparently what he is using works and the FDA has been fighting him every step of the way.
I am reading The China Study by T. Colin Campbell PhD right now. It is explaining how certain proteins (meat & dairy) can be harmful. They have been successful in actually turning cancer Off in lab mice & rats and then back On again just by diet in clinical trials.
If I had cancer I would definitely refuse chemo and radiation and give Mr. Burzynski a try. What he uses has no bad side effects and has been very successful in curing cancers.
will these birthers never give up?.
wnd exclusive a question of eligibility.
obama critic coming closer to social security records?.
It is interesting to look at the 3 documents side by side. Looks like the ABC and the ones are the same but the one TMZ put up is different. Look at the "R" in BARACK on the first line.
TMZ's copy has it sitting way higher and not lined up with the other letters. In the ABC and whitehouse copies the "R" is at the same level.
The same thing happened with the "S" in STANLEY where the mother's name is typed in. TMZ's copy has the "S" higher above the other letters while the ABC and whitehouse copies have it lined up with the rest of the letters in the name.
That 'e' in Male in ABC's copy is just odd. I know you can't compare it to the other docs but you can compare it to the other 'e's on the same document. It is definately different but Why? It serves no purpose. The 'e' in other info typed in about the family are all straight not slanted.
i'm really distraught about the fact my 23 year old daughter is ready to abandon a potential career in writing where her talent lies, and become a jehovah's witness.
i banned the study being held in our home, but it only hurt my relationship with my daughter, who screamed at me "i pay to live here and i'm not hiding, you're sabotaging my relationship with god!
" so i gave in.
In case you haven't seen it, Leonard Miller (FatFreek on here) did a manuscript of the Flip Flops some time ago.
It is one of my favorites. Maybe you can print it out and leave it out for her to see.
It was done before this last Flip concerning the Generation change. Maybe it will give her more to think about. we can get paid $$$$$$$$.
i was listening to this meditation talk by anthony morris and he said in the talk that jehovah is more important then having a job.
i can link the talk, but i cant do it in google chorme.
" have the following options ..."
Don't forget (D) sue your boss for violation of your religious rights (if he doesn't give your the day off) and win mega bucks in court to give to the WTS.