Many of those who left Jehovahs Witness organization as a result of the failed 1975 prediction jumped from the frying pan into fire !
Lets see, how did that bible verse go again? Oh Yeah! "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father."
So basically, if the G.B. themselves tell you that armageddon is here, it's your own fault for listening....besides, they didn't make a prediction, they pointed to indicators. Indicators that Jesus himself left for us to look at, if people misinterpert that, its their fault. I've read all of the supposed evidence that 1975 was the end,,,,it's a bunch of bull...they did call it a year to watch, just like some of us "watched what would happen in 1987,,,international year of peace..we thought the end could come, but I didn't motgage my house, quit my job, hide in the bomb shelter, drink the kool aid...I went on about my life and still pray for Jehovah to straighten things out....
People that look for a specific date, need to reevaluate why they serve God. Is it out of love, or is it out of selfish want. I say the latter. If you were serving God because you truely love him and want to see his name vidicated, you would do it no matter what. You wouldn't get discouraged and quit because it didn't come when you thought it should.