An enemy is not considered as the same as a worldly person. An enemy is in direct opposition, a deliberate wrong doer, like satan in that they work for a purpose other than Jehovahs. A disfellowshipped person is not hated. For most witnesses, they truely do hope that the disfellowshipped one returns. "Worldly" people are not supposed to be hated.
JoinedPosts by Mightyone
Do Jehovah's Witnesses LOVE their enemies?
by Terry injesus' message differs from every other religious leader of his day in that he encouraged his followers to love their enemy.. are jw's encouraged to love their enemies?.
they aren't allowed to even pray for disfellowshipped former brethern although they are stray sheep.
you'll recall jesus said that a fine shepherd would even leave the 99 sheep to go after and return with the "stray".. how do jw's love their enemies?.
Is the Watchtower finally changing for the better?
by Dead Man Joaquin ini'm having a hard time figuring things out here.
the last few years it's become increasingly cultish - i.e.
the public & kool-aid editions, the infamous november(?
Their new flagship for the bookstudy is their new book, KEEP YOURSELVES IN GOD'S LOVE.
The new book after the Rev. book is "Live With Jehovah's Day in Mind"
E-mail to JW Ex-Wife: What You Can Learn Researching the WTS in 3 Hours!
by Seeker4 ini posted a thread earlier this week about a conversation i had with my jw ex-wife.
the next day i sent her this e-mail.
one should never be afraid of ideas.
Many of those who left Jehovahs Witness organization as a result of the failed 1975 prediction jumped from the frying pan into fire !
Lets see, how did that bible verse go again? Oh Yeah! "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father."
So basically, if the G.B. themselves tell you that armageddon is here, it's your own fault for listening....besides, they didn't make a prediction, they pointed to indicators. Indicators that Jesus himself left for us to look at, if people misinterpert that, its their fault. I've read all of the supposed evidence that 1975 was the end,,,,it's a bunch of bull...they did call it a year to watch, just like some of us "watched what would happen in 1987,,,international year of peace..we thought the end could come, but I didn't motgage my house, quit my job, hide in the bomb shelter, drink the kool aid...I went on about my life and still pray for Jehovah to straighten things out....
People that look for a specific date, need to reevaluate why they serve God. Is it out of love, or is it out of selfish want. I say the latter. If you were serving God because you truely love him and want to see his name vidicated, you would do it no matter what. You wouldn't get discouraged and quit because it didn't come when you thought it should.
E-mail to JW Ex-Wife: What You Can Learn Researching the WTS in 3 Hours!
by Seeker4 ini posted a thread earlier this week about a conversation i had with my jw ex-wife.
the next day i sent her this e-mail.
one should never be afraid of ideas.
they are also a large book publishing company, so it operates itself as a business and a religion all at the same time.
I have read this comment several times and I still cannot reconcile this point. How is the WBTS a publishing company when they don't "charge" for their literature? There are no advertisements in their publications. They mention the donation arrangement, but they will still leave you literature if you don't want to donate.
Finnish CO centenced for molesting 5 to 11 year-old girls
by Aaac infinnish co was sentenced for three years for molesting little girls in estonia and his finnish congregation years 2003 to 2005. man had been a co in estonia.
the mother was not believed at first, but laughed at.
she is a jw herself.
Worldwide there are so many victims...and all the gb needs to do, is change its policies... but they don't... thats pure evil!!
Change the policy how? Oh, I know, Make it so that any one person with a grudge or in need of some attention can make some false accusation and turn anothers life into a living hell.
Believe me, anyone that molests a child deserves whatever wrath and fury comes their way. But you better believe me, if anyone ever falsly accused me and costs me my family, job, I would spend the rest of my life eaking out revenge.
The bottom line is that there is no sure fire method of preventing abuse, except for parents to be proactive and protect their own children. I would never think to let my little girl go out in service for any length of time with an older brother. And if my little girl ever accusses someone, I would definately get to the bottom of it. If I found just cause, that person would be prosecuted, PERIOD! I don't give a rats a@$ who doesn't like it.
I've said it before, and I will say it again, If you are reading this and are an abuse victim, my heart bleeds for you. I wish I could do or say something to bring you some comfort. But no abuse on your part justifies a false accusation on someone elses part.
The guildlines from the branch are that any molestor or accused molestor is followed from congregation to congregation with letters of introduction. Those letters never disapear, and that person CANNOT be used in an appointed position. And likewise, the elders cannot stop that person from preaching, but they will not put that person in a cargroup with children. The elders in each congregation that he attends would be aware and they should keep an eagle eye on him. It would bring legal issues on the congregation if they informed all of the members of that persons standing. WE each have a responsibility to gauge a persons standing by their progress. Does that person comment? Are they active proclaimers? Are they used by the congregation? And if you have a suspicion, ask an elder that you are close to.
Mother wants me to leave!!!!
by why??? inhi everyone, hope all is well.
i've been reading and posting here for a little while about my situation.
well it has just reached another high point.
Why???? I agree with a few of the posts here. As a minor living at home, or even as an 18+ living at home, you are under obligation to abide by the rules of the home. I assume that you are baptized? I also assume, since you didn't deny it that your relationship with your boyfriend has become intimate? While I understand how you might feel about your mother, I ask you to stop and put yourself in her situation. Set aside for a moment the religious aspect and focus on the mother daughter aspect. As a parent, nothing is more frustrating that to have your child ignore what we think could be a harmful situation. Have you asked your mother why she feels the way she does? As the others that have posted have pointed out, what is wrong with you waiting until the circumstances are favorable and you are able to get married and thus avoid any situation that might put your mother in an uncomfortable position. Regardless of whether or not you agree at this point in time or not, when you did get baptized you basically made an agreement to follow the moral guidelines set out in the bible. Fornication is not just a moral guideline either, it is a sin in God's eyes. Even if you move away, the elders will follow through to be sure that your standing in the congregation is proper. They will send a letter of introduction, and if the elders feel that there may be a question as to your standing, they will include that.
Unfortunately for you, your mother appears to be looking at this situation in a human point of view. Afraid that the elders will find out that you behaved inappropriately with your boyfriend, rather than encouraging you not to disappoint God by your actions.
District Overseer comments at CA reveal GB out of answers...
by still_in74 inso 2 weeks ago i went to my 2 day ca.. this had lots of interesting tid-bits, like the wt summary of the generation change.
the conductor said that if we were listeing to jesus speak we would have known he was speaking about us!
then he followed with "and thats probably what they understood too" - i couldnt believe he actually said probably.. anyway, at the end of sunday the do came about and went into a bit about all the things the org has done for us.
Does anyone bother to come by and visit, maybe provide some spiritual support? Hell no.
Why even go there. If anybody had come by, what is the chance that you would be here right now talking about the busy-bodies that wouldn't just leave you alone.
District Overseer comments at CA reveal GB out of answers...
by still_in74 inso 2 weeks ago i went to my 2 day ca.. this had lots of interesting tid-bits, like the wt summary of the generation change.
the conductor said that if we were listeing to jesus speak we would have known he was speaking about us!
then he followed with "and thats probably what they understood too" - i couldnt believe he actually said probably.. anyway, at the end of sunday the do came about and went into a bit about all the things the org has done for us.
They taught me worthless things. Nothing they taught me was beneficial, and it was not accurate.
Sorry, I have to disagree. You must not have paid enough attention. I have supported myself with a well balanced lifestyle for many years, and still continue to do so. I have great kids, a loving wife, a nice home, in a great congregation. I am pretty sure that we were taught the same things. You just didn't listen. I suspect that you were too busy trying to appear like you were paying attention. If you had actually listened, all the things you mentioned were taught.
District Overseer comments at CA reveal GB out of answers...
by still_in74 inso 2 weeks ago i went to my 2 day ca.. this had lots of interesting tid-bits, like the wt summary of the generation change.
the conductor said that if we were listeing to jesus speak we would have known he was speaking about us!
then he followed with "and thats probably what they understood too" - i couldnt believe he actually said probably.. anyway, at the end of sunday the do came about and went into a bit about all the things the org has done for us.
sorry, here's the link to the recent news article of the suicide at bethel
Correct me if I am wrong, but that article is about 18 years old.
If the G.B. and WTS don't have good motives, what is the point.....
by Mightyone inthis may be the topic of an old thread but, if the g.b.
and wts don't have good motives, what is the point of the whole religion?
i mean, it doesn't appear that anybody is getting rich or am i missing something.
There's been some 23,000 case files on JW pedophiles (secreted on computer upstate) enjoying all the perks they could want, namely dining on young human flesh.
Now there is an interesting topic. I've heard, for as long as Bowen was slinging his propaganda about the "pedophile paradise", that the WTS needs to do something. Yet I have never heard one logical, practical, workable solution. Even Bill gave up the only opportunity he had to be sure that molestation would not be tolerated in his congregation. Absolutely, DO NOT get me wrong, I believe that molesters are the scum of scum and should recieve whatever fury Jehovah can and will unleash on them, but what does an earthly organization do to prevent such atrocities? I mean, when a "brother" moves to a different congregation, a letter of introduction is sent with him. If that man, or woman, is a molester, the brothers in their new congregation are made aware of that fact. However, it is up to each individual in each congregation to take some responsability and monitor who their children associate with and who the parents let them associate with.
Now, I am not saying that parents or the child are responsable if they get molested, but I have heard stories of people that send their 6 year old daughter out on a "play date" with a brother in the congregation. If that child gets molested, who bears the responsability if that poor innocent little girl gets taken advantage of ? As a parent, I would off myself for such a stupid lack of judgement. After I off the other B$#@ard first of course. And I can most assuredly say that the authorities would be called.