personally I do have a problem with the belief of aliens flying space ships .I do not adhere to religion but to me the likely hood of there being a creater is far more plausible.Even Einstein excepted the possibillity of a God.The thing that gets me is the fact that most of the so called evidence supporting the ufo phenomena is falsified,In fact there is no solid evidence to support the concept.
I do enjoy science fiction so I will say they do exist in the imagination of the entertainment industry.I also believe that there are alot of people doing alot of hard halucinagenic drugs .
JoinedPosts by heathen
Archaeology vs WBTS ( who build the pyramids?)
by bj inin my book of bible stories (1978), chapter 27, the wbts give the impression to readers, that israelites, participated in building egyptian pyramids.
also, the watchtower - november 15, 1987, page 30, raises the two following questions: "do the pyramids of giza (near modern cairo) bring to mind abused slaves toiling under hot sun to drag huge stones into place?
and do you imagine hebrew slaves among them?
Archaeology vs WBTS ( who build the pyramids?)
by bj inin my book of bible stories (1978), chapter 27, the wbts give the impression to readers, that israelites, participated in building egyptian pyramids.
also, the watchtower - november 15, 1987, page 30, raises the two following questions: "do the pyramids of giza (near modern cairo) bring to mind abused slaves toiling under hot sun to drag huge stones into place?
and do you imagine hebrew slaves among them?
one last thought on this is that the new findings of hieroglyphs they discussed showed that the pyramid builders were human beings .they recently found the burial place of the pharoes laborers which then showed them pulling the rocks on a sled while soaking the ground in front .they were claiming the moist ground made the giant sled the stone was on slide easier through the rock quarry.IT is apparently possible according to some scientists that by using levers they could lift the stones .It was a very interesting show .you should check it out .NO I don't accept theories on ufo's I have no belief in them whatsoever, little green men from outerspace for me .
Archaeology vs WBTS ( who build the pyramids?)
by bj inin my book of bible stories (1978), chapter 27, the wbts give the impression to readers, that israelites, participated in building egyptian pyramids.
also, the watchtower - november 15, 1987, page 30, raises the two following questions: "do the pyramids of giza (near modern cairo) bring to mind abused slaves toiling under hot sun to drag huge stones into place?
and do you imagine hebrew slaves among them?
If the isrealites did not build the pyramids that would mean that the 10 commandment movie with charlton heston was wrong and hollywood once again lied to the public claiming it is the best reinactment you might wind up with alot of bad reviews of your post.however I did look up the account in exodus which does state the hebrews were taken as slaves to perform hard labor under tyranny.It doesn't mention pyramids it does say every work of the field to which they used slave labor including building store houses .who is to say for certain though?yes I did see the documentary on the discovery channel about the pyramids which was very interesting but also inconclusive.the egyptians were know to falsify the record in order to exult the pharohs and discredit their enemies.It is entirely possible they rewrote their history after the red sea incident.of course there are other theories I'm sure are out there (one icludes ufo's from outer space)of which I don't even take seriously.let the reader use decernment.
Okay Fess Up: What's Your Handle Mean?
by Mindchild inokay fess up: whats your handle mean?.
my handle: mindchild comes from computer scientist and futurist dr. hans moravec: who wrote the book, the future of robot and human intelligence which is a book about when we will be able to construct machines capable of human intelligence and raises the possibility of uploading ourselves (every thought we ever had) into an android body much superior to the human ones we have now.
i entertain the hope that not only will i live long enough to see this happen, i will transfer myself (the complete essence of what is me) into a body of my own choosing and become immortal if i so choose.
I'm a heathen, websters ditionary defines it as someone that does't adhere to religion. that's all I take it to mean .I basically pulled it out of my ass .
Is Islam at Fault?
by Kinsman ineven in these early days of the 21st century its still politically correct to say; ...islam is not to blame; ...religion is not to blame; ...religion in general produces good not bad, ...religion is only from time to time perverted by ruthless and depraved individuals; ...these individuals are the evil within religion not the basic religious tenants common in all of mankinds great faith-based traditions.
president bush himself states that islam has been hijacked by a few extremists, and that islam itself and the muslim people are a peace-loving people supported and encouraged by a peace-loving religion.
many argue that religion is the primary motivator and even cause of good in human society.
islam is nothing more than a twisted cult that is forced
on the people of the middle east in that thier government
enforces the ideals of the koran in secular law .It is
so simular to when the catholic church had political power
in europe ,there is no tolerance for other religions and they
even fight amongst themselves for control of the populace.I
like to compare it to the catholics and protestants of Ireland.
personally I have no love for thier culture or religion.they
are very barbaric and centuries behind in education .to answer
your question I would say islam is at fault ,in my opinion
it is no more valid than mythology and although I didn't read
solmon rushdey satanic verses I would say from the title that
he was on the right track. -
WTC Eight Black Boxes Dedtroyed
by Satanus in" [ntsb web site] .
" [ntsb web site] .
"both the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder have proven to be valuable tools in the accident investigation process.
you would think that since the federal government is responsible
for public transportion that a conspiracy involving the fbi is definately feasible .I remember all the warnings and public service
announcements about entering in an age of terrorism and for Americans
to expect all kinds of havoc being initiated by foreign thugs .ONe must be curious of how could they be so neglegent in providing proper
security for the most convenient and popular means for a terrorist
to perpetrate a crime against the civilian population .These hyjackings are not ucommon especially when the US is using economic
and millitary force with middle eastern countries.Personally I do
feel that more should have been done to protect innocent Americans
from this tragic incident .We always hear statements from government
officials on protecting US interests abroad yet something so predictable can take place at home .Now they are trying so hard to
get support for an invasion of east asia which will cost many more
billions of dollars and American soldier lives.
I also saw other points on the US using this as a means to further
thier plans to undermine the constitutional rights of the American people.I am aware of attepts to pass bills that include power of government to wire tap phones a random ,conduct search and seizure of
private property without any knowledge or consent .If you look up there is a vote taking place on whether the gov. should
have the power to sieze assets and property of anyone believed to be
conspiring with terrorists which could lead to more unjust treatment of innocent people.The bottom line is ,we have to wait and see what happens next and watch for any signs of coverups and deception.
ps: I did see wag the dog and thought it was a very good movie
I do think the government uses simular tactics such as in the branch
davidian insident [be on the watch for brain washing ].
ps2: when I mentioned soccer moms I was refering to the listeners
of rush limbaugh that call in and swallow every bit of drivel from
the alledged conservatives .The misconception of conservatives can
do no wrong while the liberals are the nations enemy .I am sure they
all went down and voted for gwb without a second thought.Such is America though in my opinion .I certainly don't have anything against
free speach or soccer moms,just being critical that's all .[8>]
WTC Eight Black Boxes Dedtroyed
by Satanus in" [ntsb web site] .
" [ntsb web site] .
"both the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder have proven to be valuable tools in the accident investigation process.
although I think that 40 tons of jet fuel could pretty much blow
up anything that was a very good point on where this pass port
thing is possible .I also agree with you on the pensylvania flight
there should have been a box to recover.As far as this operation
infinite justice the US is no doubt wanting some payback from these
organized terrorist groups that are training people to target US
property and civilians .I also agree that all out war in east asia
could result in humiliation and the loss of inocent civilian lives
but the US is apparently calloused to the civilian casualties it is
responsible for.One thing these terrorist love to do is use civilian
tragedy as fuel for thier sick plans of some kind of holy war .Apparently the US is also concerned with its diplomatic ties
to muslim based countries over oil.If they rock the boat to hard
it could lead to further economic and energy problems much like
a domino effect .I personally don't expect the US and its allies to
rid the world of terrorism there are just way too many fanatical impoverished nations in the world ,with all thier wheeling and dealing
they couldn't overthrow castro ,sadam housien is still a threat after
10 years of non stop bombing and UN sanctions.You did bring up some good points and questions.YOu can bet the soccer moms are totally clueless to the cause and effect of the events that are taking place.
We just have to be careful not to let this swell of patriotism blind
our reasoning. -
attacks known a week ahead
by Satanus infor what it is worth.
skolnick has a lot of stuff.. s. ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
skolnick - us government .
I often spend time trying to concieve conspiracy theories but
this is beyond anything I could have cojured .Maybe you
should try writing fiction this is way out there making
water gate sound like a church picnic.Oliver stones jfk
was another masterpiece of espionage and government corruption.
There is no doubt that the corruption in government is at
a staggering dismal high.Although it is hard to believe what
happened in new york I just couldn't imagine the government
letting these terrorists orcestrate such a devestating and
inhuman act on US soil.the tie in with the saudis was a nice
touch, as I was watching government officials today stating
that the middle east is not an area of the world to count
on for any kind of political resolve ,stating they really
don't like the US .can't wait to see your next post -
where are all the demon possessed people?
by sleepy inhow come that when jesus was on earth there were so many demon possessd people .. imagine how scared people must have been, creeping down the street wondering whether the next person you met was crased by demons and was going to attack you.. so how did they work out that someone was possessed by demons, who told them?how did they know it wasnt just a disease or other afliction?.
and were are all those demon possessions today ?.
you would think that with all the comunication technology today that at least one example of a positivly demon possessed person could be presented to the midia somewere in the world.. or perhaps we cant tell if someone is possessed or not because there are no extra outwould signs and any disease they caused would show up like a normal disease in tests.. maybe we are all possessed and dont know it.
what's even stranger is the genesis account of the renegade
angels lusting after the women on earth and mateing with them
so to create the super race of giants ,the men that feared
nothing.Demon possesion was not always associated with agony
and misery .There were people that were possesed by spirits
of divination and would profit from it ,much like these
so called psychics do.Myself I have been witness to many strange
phenomena having to do with the supernatural or the paranormal
so without question I would have to say there are plenty strange
goings on in this world.There are plenty people who claim to
experience the unexplainable and I have even seen some alleged
photo graphs taken by professional photographers on the discovery
channel which by the way is one of my favorite channels but most
people seem convinced with the immortality of the soul doctrine
and claim it is people coming back from the other side to haunt
the living. Patio if you did read the bible year in and year
out and didn't come to the conclusion that christianity
and judaism are 2 completely different religions I can't see how
you missed it .Interesting topic though ,I find myself saying that
people like adolf hitler and geofrey daumer had to have been driven
by some inhuman force ,to be that evil just doesn't seem human -
by StifflersErSlayersBrother inlightning, has just struck my brain..... im going to start a new religion.
im gonna call it "board" witnesses.
this board has become so addictive, i look at this as a 24 hour meeting whenever i want it (minus all the lies, crapy talks, and crying babies(well, most of the time))anyway, whos with me!
I think I will stick with the heathen thing .heathens have
more fun