I think you'll find out for sure when he takes you in the back room and reveals some KY jelly . LOL
JoinedPosts by heathen
Elder wants to do "other activities" with me
by InterestedOne ini'm fully aware that this is a cult, and i was waiting for the social elements to kick in.
so far, i have just been doing the "bible study," discussing doctrine, etc.
however, recently one of the elders said he wants to get together with me to do other activities.
Voting a conscience matter??
by Cynisister inhappy new year one and all!,.
the local elders sent a letter home with my hubby, pretty much stating that after "many" attempts to visit and speak with me, this letter is once again asking to meet because it came to their attention that i voted in the last pres.
The only way to vote is to vote for the president of the WTBTS so they do vote on some things
attended a jw memorial talk yesterday
by man in black inafter being da'd for two years, i felt it was my duty to attend the memorial talk for an elderly brother who i greatly respected over the years.. i was quite nervous going back to the kh and seeing everyone.. well, my wife and i walked in, and most of the elders we saw just looked away, or acted like we were invisible.
several of our old friends winked, smiled, or waved secretly.
the hall was full, and this elder named jeff renfroe placed us in the 2nd row from the front.
They really are a bunch of inconsiderate A holes . What gets me is how they talk about being considerate and respectful in the publications then in practice they are petty small minded oafs .
Don't Ignore Us!
by peacefulpete inwhen i first left the jw's some years ago, one of the most incredible observations i made was just how irrelevant the wt and jw's were to the larger public.
when the conversation turned to my history (as it often did, because i desperately wanted to discuss it) the most comon reaction was of complete unawareness of the jw's, much less their doctrine, or complete surprise that i regarded them as destructive.
to the later, the jw's were understood to be just another church like any other, a little weird perhaps but just one of the many churches in town.
No kidding all I heard was constant complaints of my old truck with dirt on it and prying questions of whether I had insurance or what sort of mechanical repair it was in. Glad you could make the meeting but don't you see how clean and organized we are ? Then there's the complaints of paying for everything . Good grief .They really are a real estate developing book publishing corporation. The end is so close they always need new stuff to enslave everybody . corporations are greedy entities and love to enslave people usually using fascist means.
New exJW Pamphlet to leave with Bible Studies
by jwfacts inrecently someone asked for a pamphlet to leave with a neighbour that started studying with jws.
i noticed that they was not a lot available, so have put together something.
please let me know your opinion and any errors.
How about they refuse military service or support of any government be it democratic or communist. They constantly change their beliefs via "new light".
1947 Awake Says Excommunication is Unbiblical and Pagan!
by Ding injanuary 8, 1947 awake!:.
excommunication is "altogether foreign to biblical teachings.".
it's an unbiblical roman catholic teaching by which "you are looked upon with the blackest contempt... being cursed and damned with the devil and his angels.".
I wouldn't say that the excommunication is the same as dfing since in the middle ages it would include imprisonment or torture . What they did to homosexuals was horrendous.
Mission 1 For the Vast Apostate Army: Attend The Memorial...
by Tuesday inhey folks!.
i made another propaganda-esque video for the vast apostate army's first mission which is to attend the memorial.
since alot of people liked my last video for the vast apostate army i figured i'd post this one too.
There's no car park just an ordinary parking lot of which there are people watching it . They can't do anything to you if you just drive by.
Has anyone ever heard that Jehovah has to be with JW's because things do get done in spite of the stupidity.
by life is to short inout law just reminded me of something i used to hear a lot at bethel.
it was that jehovah has to be with jw's because of all the dumb things that we had to do that do not make any sense because someone with more power then us would tell us we had to do it their way no questions asked, no matter how stupid it might be or seem, and yet the buildings still got built, the magazines still got printed and everything still runs smoothly.
out law posted these and he is spot on all of these sayings were said at bethel, i heard them all myself.
How could holy spirit run the WTBTS when they say they aren't spirit inspired ? Which does mean direction. bunch idiots
Mission 1 For the Vast Apostate Army: Attend The Memorial...
by Tuesday inhey folks!.
i made another propaganda-esque video for the vast apostate army's first mission which is to attend the memorial.
since alot of people liked my last video for the vast apostate army i figured i'd post this one too.
what say this year we start a caravan at sundown to pass by the hall blasting some death metal tunes . LOL
How JW's Have Fun
by Sour Grapes in3 months ago one of my friends emailed me that.
he was invited to a jw "get together" to have some.
no jw know your bible quiz game? only once do a I remember being invited to a bbq, but the sorry basturds would come up to me and ask to rent a room in my home or let the ps use it .