I don't know about you but all I did was search , UN human trafficing and presto all kinds of info on info wars , can't help you're too lazy and stupid to do it.
JoinedPosts by heathen
I am so confused by the JW's saying the UN is the 8th king
by booker-t inhas jw's always taught this that the un is the 8th king?
i just happen to stumble across the june study watchtower at my aunt's home and glanced throught the mag and saw this teaching.
i don't remember the jw's teaching this back when i was in.
I am so confused by the JW's saying the UN is the 8th king
by booker-t inhas jw's always taught this that the un is the 8th king?
i just happen to stumble across the june study watchtower at my aunt's home and glanced throught the mag and saw this teaching.
i don't remember the jw's teaching this back when i was in.
I think you can start a search of UN corruption at infowars.com.
I am so confused by the JW's saying the UN is the 8th king
by booker-t inhas jw's always taught this that the un is the 8th king?
i just happen to stumble across the june study watchtower at my aunt's home and glanced throught the mag and saw this teaching.
i don't remember the jw's teaching this back when i was in.
The UN is a spooky thing . It's run by human trafficers and drug cartel . The friggen POPE has power and the catholics are evcen more inclined to organized crime than say a J witness. They've been threatening forcing ID cards on people and trying to push for carbon taxes on americans. They have solicited effectively US military action all over the world.
I am so confused by the JW's saying the UN is the 8th king
by booker-t inhas jw's always taught this that the un is the 8th king?
i just happen to stumble across the june study watchtower at my aunt's home and glanced throught the mag and saw this teaching.
i don't remember the jw's teaching this back when i was in.
That must have been around the time of treason and their taking NGO status which according to the mandate states they cannot condemn the UN or any other NGOs . I still kinda find it interesting for some reason . I believe to revert back to the earthly rule of man as being permitted to excercise authority over the so called ", the chosen ones," is putting christians in submission to satan since he is in control of all earthly human government according to what it says there about the scarlet beast in Revelation and since Romans 13 can in no way make sense anyway . The romans viewed murder as entertainment and fed christians to the lions so makes no sense to say they used the sword for good.
Bart Ehrman...Jesus Existed
by XJW4EVR inwhen the uber-liberal, agnostic bart ehrman says it...it must be true.. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bart-d-ehrman/did-jesus-exist_b_1349544.html.
If jesus was not a rabbi of sorts then why are his words preserved by his followers? Not an expert on these things but figures that if someone is holding something as sacred and documenting it, using it to teach others then a rabbi being a teacher is a correct term.
I am so confused by the JW's saying the UN is the 8th king
by booker-t inhas jw's always taught this that the un is the 8th king?
i just happen to stumble across the june study watchtower at my aunt's home and glanced throught the mag and saw this teaching.
i don't remember the jw's teaching this back when i was in.
I think it's interesting that they got one right exactly without any shuffling the deck under the table . Is that in the proclaimers book?
I am so confused by the JW's saying the UN is the 8th king
by booker-t inhas jw's always taught this that the un is the 8th king?
i just happen to stumble across the june study watchtower at my aunt's home and glanced throught the mag and saw this teaching.
i don't remember the jw's teaching this back when i was in.
so who was president of the WTBTS in 1942 ? The first time I've seen mention of them stating the league would return prior to the event. Anyway it is clearly a king in satans service .
Memorial - Why do i keep going?
by maisha inevery year i attend, missing only 5 in 50 years.. i do not attend meetings nor active in anyway, my family shun me,(all devote believers) but i do feel drawn to attend each year.
i am out for sure, but i no longer have faith, or a belief in any religous body as being approved by god.. i am so screwed up now i not sure if i believe in a creator!, let alone who or what that may be.. i was born into the truth, married into the truth and my ex is devote.. i could never return to the cult now seeing it for what it is.. i served, donated, slaved for years happy to do so as has all my family.. i went out of my way to get df, sort of a wanting to die act, of rejecting the society.. i used to sit in a movie in my youth and think, wow i am so lucky, all these people are going to die and i will live forever.. even just typing this gives release to my emotions,, lol,,, yea i have many emotions,,, many regrets, basically the organisation i followed and the instructions destroyed my life in every possible way.. the power plays that i witnessed within are what first woke me up,,,at first i let it go, forgiving those involved as brothers do.
but again and again power and position is and was the thing to have, you got the power you got everything.
Maybe you just like being shunned . That is strange to go and know they will all snub you as an apostate . It's the one day a year sister or brother holier than thou shows they aren't worthy after all. That talk they give is really lame , all about why you aren't worthy , the only religion in the world that can't have a church dinner without ridiculous guide lines .
I am so confused by the JW's saying the UN is the 8th king
by booker-t inhas jw's always taught this that the un is the 8th king?
i just happen to stumble across the june study watchtower at my aunt's home and glanced throught the mag and saw this teaching.
i don't remember the jw's teaching this back when i was in.
it's in their video as well , I think it's called, bible accurate prophesy, or something like that. In revelation it does say that the kings of the earth give their authority to the scarlet beast which is owned by satan , so maybe we're actually talking about satan as the 8th king .
Anyone watching "Walking Dead?" Yikes!
by Wasanelder Once inseason two is almost done.
anyone watching?
do you think any self respecting jw would watch this show?
Been following it . That hooded character with the zombies on chains at the end was pretty odd . I wonder what's planned for that .