What a joke , no collection plate and no tithing , the world was supposed to end by now and the tower doesn't have money to keep going until the end ,now with the overlapping generation this could go on forever . Did the article include a please and a thank you or was it just another guilt trip? The lady that gave the 2 talents was under law to give 10 per cent to up keep the temple . At the time the religious system was so corrupt there was no point in it anymore and jesus said they only need excercise faith in him to be blessed anyway. I will never give a religion a dime .
JoinedPosts by heathen
GIVE more Money to the WTBTS
by RagingBull ina 5 min.
talk will be given from the kingdom ministry about "donating" more to the world wide preaching work.
remember the woman who gave 2 coins of little value?
Too Good Not To Share this Face Palm Moment
by Amelia Ashton innew world translation.
the curtain of the sanctuary was rent in two, from top to bottom, and the earth quaked, and the rock-masses were split.
LOL @can't leave . zombies maybe afer the bread and wine ritual they turned and began literally eating human flesh . I love zombi movies
Too Good Not To Share this Face Palm Moment
by Amelia Ashton innew world translation.
the curtain of the sanctuary was rent in two, from top to bottom, and the earth quaked, and the rock-masses were split.
I think something got lost in translation . I know the WTBTS says the bodies were rent from the tombs and lay in the street or something. Who knows what it means about the holy ones ? Maybe they just looked as dead and were in a coma then the earth quake woke them up >LOL Maybe it was just a vision. It is one of the oddest scripture in the bible. Could be the apostles were hiding in the tombs wearing the shroud of dead people as disguise . hmmmmmm
"some were led to believe that the end would come in 1975"
by Sour Grapes inlast week a young elder giving the public talk made.
the statement that "some were led to believe that the.
end would come in 1975, but aren't we so thankfull.
I even remember some tooling around with it like it happened invisibly again because the gays were coming out the closet so the world had morally ended and the invisible moral spiritual paradise had been created . I think it's sad that people went and sold their homes and buisnesses to give money to the tower or to use as grub steak for pioneering . The GC were not instructed to sell everything they own, that was the LF . I'm of the opinion that whenever the babylonian harlot is destroyed WTBTS style it will signal the final chain of events for the end and prove the WTBTS was able to get at least one thing right or so but they are showing a lack of integrety with their involvement with the UN as NGO and backing off the condemnation of babylon because it's against the charter mandate to defame other NGOs . They totally did jump the gun in 75.
New JW chain-email going around
by FaithfulBrother inapparently, the society knows exactly when the great tribulation is going to break out, but they're only letting the public know through subliminal messages in their images.
here's a new chain letter that's being passed around between witnesses:.
(daniel 2:34, 35, 44, 45).
The images aren't showing up . anyway makes me feel like getting stoned >LOL
If is saw this at my kingdom hall I would return - What would you need to see to return
by usualusername inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib_qz6qv7ou.
what would you need to see to return?.
discuss........ .
They could give me a million dollars , that may do it . I also need them to come clean about their secret conspiracy they seem to enjoy behind my back with their mind f@#$ being played out in front of my face . I hate em .2 faced freaks .
WT is a cash cow for who? do the GB know they are frauds?
by thecrushed inas i've understood it the gb has taken a vow of poverty.
on jwn they are constantly accused of guilt tripping their subjects to keep distributing there literature to make converts in order to keep growing the number of donations which is a valid point.
i ask this question in all honesty and naivety to see where the truth of the matter lies.
to them it's not ever a lie it's simply old and new light . See ,that's how you get around being a fraud .LOL So similar to orwell and his ministry of truth where they have to put a lie in a news story every day .
1914 - 2014 ,,,when the ( truth about the truth ) will be seen by all.
by witchtowerwitch injesus said in the gospels: when you see jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies then the appointed time of the gentiles has arrived,so it wasn't the first attack in 587 bce.
but jesus said the words,,,,"will be,points to the 2nd attack in about the year 70 ad.
,yes into the future people"!so the idiots that dreamt up 607 bce.
they have the perfect expl . it all happened invisibly . we now have an invisible generation . makes perfect sense when you think about it . invisiblility does not require proof of any kind . So I could say that jesus ,john and peter started a vaudville show in heaven with rave reviews . 3 stooges revival . but guess what? we can't see it because it's invisible ......
WT is a cash cow for who? do the GB know they are frauds?
by thecrushed inas i've understood it the gb has taken a vow of poverty.
on jwn they are constantly accused of guilt tripping their subjects to keep distributing there literature to make converts in order to keep growing the number of donations which is a valid point.
i ask this question in all honesty and naivety to see where the truth of the matter lies.
yep and they most likely agreed to adhere to the edicts of the RCC when they became NGO . The RCC probably drew up the regulations for NGO . Looks like they traded in that white dress for the red one to me .... babylon has a new harlot ...
WT is a cash cow for who? do the GB know they are frauds?
by thecrushed inas i've understood it the gb has taken a vow of poverty.
on jwn they are constantly accused of guilt tripping their subjects to keep distributing there literature to make converts in order to keep growing the number of donations which is a valid point.
i ask this question in all honesty and naivety to see where the truth of the matter lies.
yep don't look like JR missed too many meals and could be accused of living the life of shameless luxury at a time when others were suffering . Today they stress living a life of low profile but looks like back in the day they got away with showing off with that car he has there in pic.