Obviously the two folds dogma is as flawed as anything . I still believe in the elect little flock and the great crowd as portrayed in the bible but the 2 folds were meant that the gentiles were now part of the fold . Whenever there were still actually jews they were always told to seperate from the gentiles for millenia , now the converts are told they have to go out in the nations and preach to gentiles and that the gentiles had equal rights in the heirarchal structure , jews were not the only elect race anymore .
JoinedPosts by heathen
Fallacy of Baptism "in Holy Spirit"!
by The Searcher inthe following comment taken from the march 1st 2013 watchtower, is nothing new.
to witnesses the world over it's a basic teaching which even the kids understand; "humans with heavenly prospects have been baptized in water and with holy spirit and are thus spirit-begotten disciples of jesus.
" (john 3:3, 5) (both at the same time??????).
Fallacy of Baptism "in Holy Spirit"!
by The Searcher inthe following comment taken from the march 1st 2013 watchtower, is nothing new.
to witnesses the world over it's a basic teaching which even the kids understand; "humans with heavenly prospects have been baptized in water and with holy spirit and are thus spirit-begotten disciples of jesus.
" (john 3:3, 5) (both at the same time??????).
According to peter it was an appeal to GOD for a clean conscience , the sins are still real but if you continue to walk in the light then he will not call them to mind , he merely forgives sins of repentant ones , we are still going to sin regardless but basically it's your willfullness to repent whole heartedly once the sin becomes obvious to you not necessarily others but it's your own conscience that should set off an alarm . Like the apostle Paul states the people of the world have their conscience seared with a branding iron , meaning they have no concept of GODLy principles and standards
Good Jehovah's Witnesses don't miss meetings....a fact every good burglar knows.
by Balaamsass ingood jws follow a strict schedule...in fact it is posted in front of the local kingdom hall !
every burglar (and stalker) simply needs to note down meeting times, and follow a few attendees home..and then wait till next week........ we were victims, were you ?
readfield man pleads guilty to robbing homes of jehovah's witnesses while they are at church.
I find it interesting that a dub would turn to the police in these matters anyway. The bible clearly states not involvement with the worldly system and to forgive , yet they quickly drop all their dogma in these cases . Living a modest simple life would mean not having anything of value anyway , they seem so hypocritical on the issues of worldly involvement and will even site roman 13 whenever cornered of which I believe is a fraudulent scripture anyway , romans killed people for sport entertainment
Fallacy of Baptism "in Holy Spirit"!
by The Searcher inthe following comment taken from the march 1st 2013 watchtower, is nothing new.
to witnesses the world over it's a basic teaching which even the kids understand; "humans with heavenly prospects have been baptized in water and with holy spirit and are thus spirit-begotten disciples of jesus.
" (john 3:3, 5) (both at the same time??????).
i think peter and the rest of the apostles were baptized by john the baptist but only after jesus was resurrected could they receive the holy spirit as he said he would ascend to heaven and send a helper : holy spirit . Later they were all baptized agian in the christian , father son and holy spirit way
Jehovah's Witnesses and spiritual healers top complaints to Charity Commission
by iamwhoiam injehovah's witnesses and spiritual healers top complaints to charity commissionby ian griggs, third sector online, 7 january 2013. charity commission.
the rspca and national trust are also in top 10 most-complained about charities, the regulator has revealedthe central body for jehovahs witnesses in britain and a spiritual healers organisation were the charities about which the charity commission received the most complaints in the two years to march 2012.. the regulator said it had received 13 complaints about both the watch tower bible and tract society of britain and the nfsh charitable trust during the period.. the figures were revealed in response to a request under the freedom of information act, made by the conservative mp simon hart in july, for a list of the ten charities about which the commission received most complaints.. the rspca and jnf charitable trust, which is concerned with israel, were the next most complained about, with 12 complaints to the commission over two years.. hart, a former chief executive of the pro-hunting charity the countryside alliance, was one of a group of cross-party group of politicians that has called on the commission to investigate the rspca after it spent more than 320,000 on a successful private prosecution of the heythrop hunt.. the commission's list does not include complaints made to charities themselves or to other regulators such as the advertising standards authority and the fundraising standards board.. the commission said none of the complaints against charities in the top 10 resulted in any formal action against those organisations.
it also said the number of complaints would not necessarily mean that a charity had acted wrongly or contrary to its charitable purpose.. begin ad tag c501 end ad tag c501 "an internal dispute within a membership body could result in several letters of complaint or dissatisfaction, but may not be be a fair indication of the level of service that is being received by beneficiaries," said liam carroll, the commissions complaints manager.. .
Are you saying the WTBTS is still affiliated with the UN in a charity capacity? Unbelievable how they can be that hypocritical .
Fallacy of Baptism "in Holy Spirit"!
by The Searcher inthe following comment taken from the march 1st 2013 watchtower, is nothing new.
to witnesses the world over it's a basic teaching which even the kids understand; "humans with heavenly prospects have been baptized in water and with holy spirit and are thus spirit-begotten disciples of jesus.
" (john 3:3, 5) (both at the same time??????).
I remember one article I read several years ago they made it sound like the water baptism is merely symbolic declaration of faith but then later afterward God checks to see if you are following thru on your chosen way then at that time depending on what he determines will give holy spirit , like what happened at pentacost, The boot comes at the memorial , If you are living a lie you eat and drink judgement against yourself and was even believed to be the cause of death .
Why are Witnesses so effective?
by Apognophos ini'm sure some of you chuckled when you read the topic, or wondered if this was sarcasm, but i'm being serious.
yes, witnesses number less than one in a thousand, but that's still millions of people.
people like you and me!
They do have some sound arguments about how pagan beliefs were mingled with christianity , they do stress living a good life without drugs and alcohol abuse maybe it's a support base for people trying to overcome those type of things and then of course the pedophiles start showing up as they do everywhere anyway , you can have friends as long as you are a WTBTS robot and put up with elder insanity and keep quiet about inconsistancy .
A few questions when they say" The light gets brighter"
by Defianttruth ingod is the alpha and omega.
he created everything from the vast universe to small quarks.
he created the human beings with 23 pairs of chromosomes with 4x10^171 possible variations (that's a 4 with 171 zeroes behind it) he created complex emotions and abstract thoughts.
I think it's conizant dissonance , Governing body is FDS , Governing body can say whatever it wants without accountability we still have to parrot the governing body no matter what .
Fukushima nuclear reactor cores have melted into the ground!
by moshe ina newly released scientific study (done some time ago) on a similar tva ge mk1 reactor has determined the uncovered reactor core would have melted through the steel reactor vessel and over 20ft of concrete containment floor in 15 hours-the 500+ degree air temperatures would have melted and blown out all the conduit and pipe seals going into the containment building allowing a free escape of radiation to the atmosphere.
they are still trying to keep the spent fuel pools covered in water and prevent the used fuel rods from catching on fire- that is a separate disaster.. .
Part the sad news is also the spent rods were kept on top and were thrown askewn and they will only bury it in the ground rather than try to collect them and store them safely. complete mess and very sad these things happen and now the whole planet will be irradiated , don't know if I care to eat anything from the ocean anymore either
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-06-2013 WT Review (HUMILITY)
by blondie injesus set the pattern of humility.
on earth, jehovah god exalted his.
pattern of humility?
Just to keep track of the thread . Anyway the WTBTS just continues to pass on the oportunity to show humility but insists everyone else just obey them and ignore all the changes of which they out right lied about having any true knowledge of what generation survives the end. Would have been a good time to ask for forgiveness and apologize , didn't finish the article yet , probably will at work
and where's the GAG alert ...LOL