according to what jesus had said about the LF they were required to sell everything they own and give gifts of mercy to the poor , snce they couldn't follow through on it they were cursed instead of blessed . The story does make sense and shows that after entering the covenent you are under very close watch and are required to live in a way that GOD outlines .IMO
JoinedPosts by heathen
The account of Ananias and Sapphira at Acts 5 categorically proves the Bible is not inerrant
by yadda yadda 2 ingo and read it again at acts 5: 11. ananias and sapphira drop dead at peter's feet for "playing false to god/holy spirit" by not giving all of the money to peter that they got from a field they sold.
ananias and sapphira were christians.
they wanted to help the poor and so sold one of their possessions, a field, and gave most of the money to peter.
Are we on the brink of another world war?
by slimboyfat ini don't want to be an alarmist or anything... .
but i read this article in the economist today that argued it is only a matter of time until china and japan exchange shots over some small islands in between the two countries, it could escalate to full scale war, and the united states is treaty bound to come to aid of japan.
on top of that the united states is making diplomatic visits to various countries borderning china in a move that is viewed extremely negatively in beijing.
I think war is inevitable , it's all about big buisness and the winner take all , the real scary thing is that today they have such powerful weapons , the nuclear ones could irradiate the whole planet those idiots in power did all sorts of sick crazy things with them to begin with , they tried to blow up the van allen belt even while thinking the whole atmophere could catch fire . absolute complete lack of any common sense or morallity behind anything these freaks with the finger on the button have. I don't doubt that there are other weapons not known of that are extremely deadly .
Review of Memorial Talk
by pixel inthis is my personal review of the memorial talk for this year.
take into account that this is a new "outline".
i put "outline" in quotes because.
Yah , I'm familiar with that amelia , been member of the board for a long time , the way I see it he is talking about when he puts and end to the world and destroys his enemies and delivers his great crowd then there wll be no need for it . There is still need of it because it's how you enter into the new covenent , there are still LF members around even tho I'm not impressed by the ones I see claiming it , You can only aprove of yourself it's not the church decision who GOD elects .
The account of Ananias and Sapphira at Acts 5 categorically proves the Bible is not inerrant
by yadda yadda 2 ingo and read it again at acts 5: 11. ananias and sapphira drop dead at peter's feet for "playing false to god/holy spirit" by not giving all of the money to peter that they got from a field they sold.
ananias and sapphira were christians.
they wanted to help the poor and so sold one of their possessions, a field, and gave most of the money to peter.
I think the resurected jesus judged them as fakes , you can read his judgements against congregations in revelation , they aparently did the uforgiveable speaking against the spirit
Review of Memorial Talk
by pixel inthis is my personal review of the memorial talk for this year.
take into account that this is a new "outline".
i put "outline" in quotes because.
they are so stupid they igore pauls consel on, the lords evening meal , he says if you aren't going to eat and drink then don't go at all. Instead the WTBTS turns it into another fear fest then they pannick because the number of partakers rises , they do invite people not in the know on the event to come to it, so you do wind up with those that think it's just another mass .I still think it relevent for the elect to enter the covenent and to show they remain in it , I don't know where they come up with the ,"observer", class, I do think most of them are nuttier than a snickers bar anyway
Are we on the brink of another world war?
by slimboyfat ini don't want to be an alarmist or anything... .
but i read this article in the economist today that argued it is only a matter of time until china and japan exchange shots over some small islands in between the two countries, it could escalate to full scale war, and the united states is treaty bound to come to aid of japan.
on top of that the united states is making diplomatic visits to various countries borderning china in a move that is viewed extremely negatively in beijing.
i think tho this the first time in history a country got trillions of dollars in debt , it's absurdly insane to even comprehend the incompetence involved . I think most of it went to the MIC to fight wars that really didn't threaten US sovereignty , If you believe 19 hijackers pulled off 911 in the manner the US gov. wants you to believe then I suppose you are just as disillusioned now as when in the ORG. True they said the world was going to end but that message was started by JC hiself , they keep sticking the foot in their mouth when it comes to promises, such as the generation of 1914 .
Are we on the brink of another world war?
by slimboyfat ini don't want to be an alarmist or anything... .
but i read this article in the economist today that argued it is only a matter of time until china and japan exchange shots over some small islands in between the two countries, it could escalate to full scale war, and the united states is treaty bound to come to aid of japan.
on top of that the united states is making diplomatic visits to various countries borderning china in a move that is viewed extremely negatively in beijing.
i don't know how you can say the world is coming up out of the toilet , during the time of US existence it has been at war for over 200 years and now a war on terror that could last indefinitly . They are destroying our constitution and creating a survieled society , they have no answer for the tillions in debt that our pitiful politicians created and now expect joe six pack to pay back while they bail out the corrupt bankers bonuses and all .. gee things look real promising , I think the WT had it right about the world and it's being run by morally bankrupt idiots tho .
Just dropped my Mom off at the Kingdom Hall...
by Jewel inwe live about half an hour from the kingdom hall.
we had some snow last night and the roads are a little "iffy".
i didn't want my 83 yo mother driving on her own so i brought her in and dropped her off.
Yah right you should go to the meeting to be shunned , wonderful , at least micky D acknowledges your pressence
Crazy Weird Quotes in 1/15 WT Article - WT Society Opinions-Nothing More
by flipper ini won't follow a theme on this thread .
i'm just going to supply weird quotes from the current 1/15 wt article " keep drawing close to jehovah " and then you can draw your own takes and conclusions on these insane " opinions " from the wt society.. paragraph 3 : " marketers cleverly convince people that they must have the latest products.
one young man so passionately desired a particular tablet computer that he secretly sold one of his kidneys to buy it.
That's some crazy s!$t all right , from what i remember in the bible whenever some one got sick it was because they had sinned and needed to confess and be prayed over . Of course the 144k are not supposed to die of physical sickness . When people do get deathly ill they do tend to find a need for GOD , I found that out when my dad had cancer , They do love to use other peoples idiocy to warn their own with even though their own idiocy can be worse .
Do you think the WTS is about to change the doctrine about 1914? If so, what are the signs that is under way?
by EdenOne inwhat the title says.
do you think the wts doctrine that says that christ was made king in 1914 is about to change?
if you think that's being orchestrated and prepared, do you see signs of that already?
same is true about the blood dogma ,, they change it they have to admit to assisted suicide or even murder .$$$$ like what does this org. actually do with the billion dollar a year they reap in tax free?