I agree they should explain themselves, the early christians had no problems giving proof they were what they claim to be such as prophesy and speaking in toungues . That article did nothing to enlighten anybody on the topic more or less stating we should not bother them by asking if they see any signs that would be considered super natural even . They do seem to drop hints here and there , such as when the apostle Paul talks about meeting the lord in the air is not a rapture but rather being on earth . There are so many obvious frauds as to this anointing thing , why would they be afraid of being criticized or made fun of? God is judge ,not man .
JoinedPosts by heathen
Bizarre 'Spirit anointed' v. 'Spirit appointed' explanation in Dec 15th WT
by cedars inhi everyone, i am going through the dec 15th study edition of the wt thanks to a tip-off that this issue is now available online at jw.org.. in the article "guided by god's spirit in the first century and today" on page 25 there is a bizarre argument put forward by the society about the difference between spirit-anointed and spirit-appointed.. this touches on a subject that i have often wondered about, which is this.
why are spirit anointed brothers and sisters (memorial partakers) not given positions of oversight in the congregation by default?
i know it sounds like a stupid question, but please think about it for a moment.
Bizarre 'Spirit anointed' v. 'Spirit appointed' explanation in Dec 15th WT
by cedars inhi everyone, i am going through the dec 15th study edition of the wt thanks to a tip-off that this issue is now available online at jw.org.. in the article "guided by god's spirit in the first century and today" on page 25 there is a bizarre argument put forward by the society about the difference between spirit-anointed and spirit-appointed.. this touches on a subject that i have often wondered about, which is this.
why are spirit anointed brothers and sisters (memorial partakers) not given positions of oversight in the congregation by default?
i know it sounds like a stupid question, but please think about it for a moment.
The whole thing of jesus will give to the last as the first was the example given . I've actually heard an elder claim that the great crowd had as much spirit as the LF . Didn't believe it and never will ,the guy is a jerk . I do remember the WT a couple years ago explaining how the anointing works and that the GC doesn't get any . You do have to volunteer for responsiblities in the church and also have to be viewed as a saint more or less even tho these saints were world class sinners at one time , newly converted ones were not allowed to . The article in the WT says the anointing happens some time after the baptism , not sure I agree with that . I know jesus got his right after .
geez that romans; 13 what a sham
by heathen ini've noticed allot of attention given to that scripture of late , i've also noticed the wtbts flip flops in dogma , to me it's an obvious contradiction in scripture and was tampered with or an out right forgery .
praising the romans for using the sword for good is completely outrageous .
from what i see in the bible is gods hatred of world rulers and not empowering them .
I just know the WTBTS for the longest time claimed the world ended invisibly then they got caught with the UN library card and agreeing to terms and conditions as a card holder and suddenly presto we're back to human authority being empowered by God somehow . Anarchy is not a bad thing , the romans clearly were uncivilized barbarians that used the sword for entertainment in the colloseums . Murder was entertainment to them . Jesus clearly says his kingdom is not part of the world .
Fallout from the apostate-bashing WT article?
by cedars ini've noticed there are a few excellent threads on here about sunday's 9/11 watchtower study.
my own analysis of its more blatantly farcical claims (including that of apostates being "mentally diseased") can be seen here.. what i really wanted to know is - what has the fallout been?
has it created any horror-stories within people's families or homes, etc?
not enough you can use your card online at the WTBTS site but now we need to put an ATM machine in front of your face so now they can even charge the banks for putting them there I guess .
geez that romans; 13 what a sham
by heathen ini've noticed allot of attention given to that scripture of late , i've also noticed the wtbts flip flops in dogma , to me it's an obvious contradiction in scripture and was tampered with or an out right forgery .
praising the romans for using the sword for good is completely outrageous .
from what i see in the bible is gods hatred of world rulers and not empowering them .
I've noticed allot of attention given to that scripture of late , I've also noticed the WTBTS flip flops in dogma , to me it's an obvious contradiction in scripture and was tampered with or an out right forgery . Praising the Romans for using the sword for good is completely outrageous . From what I see in the bible is Gods hatred of world rulers and not empowering them . Any comments?
"Do not go beyond the things written"
by hotspur inhow many times did you hear that?
it wasn't until i read with disbelief no room for george's pitiful statement about being proud to be a jw did i start to think of a simple of way of discrediting the jws... it needed a simple scriptural phrase that causes them to shoot their own foot!.
so - how many different ways can you think of where jws have "gone beyond the things written"?.
David Splane information anyone?
by VM44 inwe need more information as to what sort of person gb member david splane is.
there is very little about him that is known..
He could impress me with some accurate prophesy instead of all that back and forth nonsense that amounts to leaning on ones own opinion or understanding . I'm not impressed with the stand they are not spirit inspired nor a bunch of stuffed shirts and straw men representing a book publishing corporation.
names of 144000 to be read in paradise?
by agent zero infirst day back at work after attending the dc.
the one with 12 baptized (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/experiences/211447/1/great-crowd-of-12-people-get-baptised-at-district-convention).
i must have been dozing off during the part in question, but after the sessions someone told me that in the question and answer segment with the speaker from bethel, they said that there have been anointed ones all throughout history, and that in the new world their names will be read from a list.
WHat if they had one of those funny names like weiner ...........LOL
POSITIVE POST TIME!! We just want to know 3 things you are FOR.
by Terry inon this topic we don't care what you are against.. let's be positive and tell three things we are for which are meaningful to us.. .
1.music lessons for kids.
learning to read music and play an instrument.. 2.memory training and math strategies in schools.
beer whiskey and women
June 15th WT ( again ) WT Society Bashes College & Earning a Living
by flipper insorry for the redundancy of this being the 3rd article out of this magazine i've made a thread on- but i felt it was important to share these quotes from the aricle titled " make your way successful - how ?
" i think you'll see the extreme dissing of higher education here and guilt tactics used to discourage jw members from getting a college education or earning a decent living.. under the subheading " higher education " ?
it states, " a christian has a scriptural obligation to care for his family, and that includes providing for their material needs.
yep , religion - the oldest ponzy scheme in the world