The scripture also goes on and states a condition . One must be faithful and true . You don't just up and shout jehovah and presto you get a free pass to paradise . YOu have to face the trials and persecution in connection with jesus christ and prove, just as he did, that you are worthy . certainly the 2 commandments that jesus itterated come into play , love jehovah your GOD with all you have and your neighbor as yourself .
JoinedPosts by heathen
Subtle wording in today's study article (3/15/13 WT)
by leaving_quietly inw13 3/15 p. 28 par.
"first, we must proclaim that name to others, recognizing that only those who 'call on the name of jehovah will be saved.
' (rom.
"Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name?"
by truthseeker ini would like to know if anyone can help me with this question.
presumably in the last days when jesus arrives as judge and executioner, he says the famous scripture, "many will say to me in that day, lord, lord, did we not prophesy in your name and expel demons in your name and perform many powerful works in your name?
and then i will confess to them, 'i never knew you, get away from me you workers of lawlessness'".
It's really about the fake televangelists and faith healers .IMO . They claim to be doing these type of things but in actuallity it's a con game to get your money . It's a fraud perpetrated in his name . IMO
Way to find a relic there lost .LOL
Memorial - Commemoration or Observance?
by The Searcher inthe law covenant was a 'shadow' of the better covenant to come.
everyone at sinai agreed to, and was part of that covenant - no exceptions!
it was not just for the priesthood.
Well ,I gotta say the LF are made up of all tribes and nations the apostles were to preach to the nations as jesus took care of Israel personally and there were few prospects even after all his miracles . The Israel of GOD is not the same as ancient Israel and the promise to abraham . The 2 folds of sheep was about the jew and gentile as equals without favoritsm . The apostles went on about no more enmity even regarding the fact that the romans were still in charge of Israel . What I gather from the scriptures was the apostle Paul being the first to baptize a woman and being excited that she was prophesying but in the end tell all women in the congregation to learn in silence and puts them under authority of their husband rather than jesus directly so I think things had changed drastically , women are not allowed to preach so cannot do the job of an evangelizer or work in the convertion areas so would not be elligible for the reward in heaven . Paul went on to even say that women now would only be saved through , faith , childbearing and sanctification . The LF are martyred as a sacrifice to GOD because of spreading the Gospel good news.
Theory on how Egyptian pyramids were built
by Monsieur inthough it was impossible to transport massive blocks when building these pyramids, would it not make more sense that blocks of clay were formed and shaped (one or more at a time), waited to dry and hardened, then continue with the next one or two blocks?.
wasn't this how the egyptians made anything?
(clay and so forth?).
Just glad no one mentioned aliens here >LOL . AA is always going on how ancient man was too dumb to do anything of that magnitude . claiming not to be able to do it with todays technology does not limit their ability to do it.
Apostate Symposium 2013 San Diego District Convention
by problemaddict insorry i did not get audio.
too much going on around me that would give me away anyways.
i think someone posted audio, but it is different from what i heard on some levels.
I've known many jdubs and know they are not free of the accusation of being mentally diseased . My GOD you just question or have a difference of opinion than an elder or the GB and suddenly you are nuts. The WTBTS has a history of lies and they refuse to admit a lie but instead concoct some weird dogma that some how they were still legitmate and genuine and continuing to make the light burn brighter . This generation dogma change is a perfect example of them denying accountability for false prophesy . They stated in every WT publication that the generation of 1914 would not pass away and to be expecting the end within their life time . What I would like to see is the WTBTS GB admit a lie and ask forgiveness , people sacrificed alot for their lie ,some selling homes and quitting jobs to pioneer . Many wound up broke and destitute only to be told the same lie of, it's almost here and the generation is getting pretty old ..blah blah . They just used it to get money for thier new printing facility , they knew it was a lie then cleverly took it out of the publications . Mentally diseased could also imply lacking in human decency and humility and living in a state of cognizant dissonance .
Memorial Day.... still struggling with the idea of war and support
by Butterflyleia85 inso i do respect and am very greatful for the sacrifies those who dedicated their family, lives, etc.
to defend our freedom, lives, and land, but if we lived in a world where we lived as monks or jehovah's witnesses (basicly just the practise of no war).... would that be wrong?.
what's a good lesson or level of reasoning when supporting the idea of war?.
If I saw a man and woman in a domestic fight of some kind , I feel only I'm supposed to call the police . No one knows who started it , women can be just as violent as men , some even trained in martial arts , go figure there . I've seen couples fight and still cohabitate . As far as giving texas back to mexico , I don't see that happening ,whether I'd support it or not has nothing to do with the topic of pacifism and morallity . Manefest destiny was about ethnic cleansing without question . No one can turn the clock back on that . The so called rebels in syria are believed to be the Al queida , kinda against the war on terror to support them . I really don't think there is a side worth the US time and effort.
Memorial Day.... still struggling with the idea of war and support
by Butterflyleia85 inso i do respect and am very greatful for the sacrifies those who dedicated their family, lives, etc.
to defend our freedom, lives, and land, but if we lived in a world where we lived as monks or jehovah's witnesses (basicly just the practise of no war).... would that be wrong?.
what's a good lesson or level of reasoning when supporting the idea of war?.
what does giving texas back to mexico have to do with my belief that passifism is not immoral ? People have the right not to practice or support war and hatred . We are at the point in history where the cost of war is insane for the technology they use could be better put towards advancing education or food sources and cleaning up the environment , instead they destroy everything in their way , not to mention most people that die are non combatent . Anyway I think mexico found a way to take back texas without a war .LOL all the illegals around here is really telling what their agenda was.
Memorial Day.... still struggling with the idea of war and support
by Butterflyleia85 inso i do respect and am very greatful for the sacrifies those who dedicated their family, lives, etc.
to defend our freedom, lives, and land, but if we lived in a world where we lived as monks or jehovah's witnesses (basicly just the practise of no war).... would that be wrong?.
what's a good lesson or level of reasoning when supporting the idea of war?.
pacifism is completely morally justified . War is big buisness and the main reason for it is wealth for those invested in the MIC and the bankers that fund both sides of it for profit . In just about every case the US has gone to war under false pretense . They had known about the attack on pearl harbor they knew if they sent supplies to britain in WW1 the ships would be sunk but did so anyway just to get the public behind joining the war . The brits actually started WW1 to get control of the oil from Iraq . Just take a look at history already . IMO 911 was an inside job in order to pass unconstitutional law and invade Iraq which had nothing to do with it even according to their own admission afterward .
I don't get it ... 80% of people in Oklahoma DON'T have a Tornado Shelter. Are they nuts ????
by RubaDub ini really don't understand.
how can any homeowner in his right mind, not have a tornado shelter ???
i understand that some people live in apartments and condos, but someone with any size yard (even a driveway) could have a shelter.. to me it's a no-brainer.
WTH is that supposed to mean there scotoma ? A gun isn't going to stop a tornado but it may save your life when someone is trying to assualt you .Tornado shelters should be provided by the state as most people are not at home when the tornado hits .They do happen fast and it would be hard to find one in time but at least some will .
I don't get it ... 80% of people in Oklahoma DON'T have a Tornado Shelter. Are they nuts ????
by RubaDub ini really don't understand.
how can any homeowner in his right mind, not have a tornado shelter ???
i understand that some people live in apartments and condos, but someone with any size yard (even a driveway) could have a shelter.. to me it's a no-brainer.
I'm in texas and had tornados landing all around last wednesday and for my entire life here but there are no shelters around here either and it does make me mad that the state government won't have them built at certain locations even .