Most of us will continue to have scars. However, I do know some that came out completely unscathed. My little brother left at 18 and went to school and then on to medical school. He is 40 with a wonderful career and a beautiful girlfriend. He does not give a hoot about anything new, old, stupid or interesting that the witnesses are doing. He just has completely moved on.
JoinedPosts by Magwitch
Is it possible to completely forget the JW experience.
by mankkeli ini am wondering if it is possible to completely forget our jw experience after a long time, and live life as if we have never been one.
no memories, no bitterness, no meeting up with ex-members, nothing connected to the jws in our feelings.. is this ever possible, could it ever happen, and how long possibly..
Hello all
by Theredeemer inafter many years of visiting this site off and on since its inception i would finally like to throw in my two cents and opinions into the mix.. first of all, i am a born in, baptized at the tender age of 9. although i totally disagree with allowing someone at that age to get baptized, i will say that i was very imformed and i knew my dogma!
at the same time, though, i was aware of many inconsistancies with many of the beliefs and practices of the jw faith.
i was adopted by my grandparents since i was 2 months and they had been jws since 1950s.
The Redeemer, it is good you are here. It takes a while for the anger to start subsiding, but in time it will.
it was a case of two people who shouldnt have gotten married
....Most witness marriages fall into this category. -
Am I on thin ice with my friend?
by cedars ini'm a former mts graduate, and it's a long story but i recently became inactive after realising it was all nonsense.
the problem is, i've noticed that my mts background makes it almost impossible for people to accept my new status as an "inactive" one.
people think that, given the amount of knowledge i have, there is surely no excuse for me to reach this preposterous decision.. a friend from my mts recently began emailing me to find out my reasons.
Keep your mouth shut to your elder friend if you do not want to be disfellowshipped.
How do you forward a reasonable argument for being inactive
... You cannot, so say nothing -
the Memorial. Same as Mock/Reject the Christ?
by punkofnice incan anyone provide links or information on this.. as jws we passed along the doritos and vinegar without imbibing.. i have been lead to belive this is a copy of the occult 'mock/rejaect the christ ceremony.. 1. i have no evidence such a ceremony exists beyond being told.
thus i would like to see evidence.. 2. would it not have been until judge boozerford decided to create two classes that the idea of passing the cutlery would have been devised?.
3. if boozerford is responsible would he have been sober enough to copy a mock/reject ceremony?
Sorry I cannot help out PUNK, but I will bump it back to the top
Prayers/thoughts for Mrs. Rabbit
by talesin inmrs. rabbit is having surgery later today.. .
please send your thoughts/prayers/healing energy.. .
i didn't tell them i was posting this, and would like to surprise rabbit with lots of well wishes.
Hugs and Kisses to Mrs. Rabbit
What if....
by factfinder inwhat if the gb somehow finally did admit they were wrong about 607 and 1914- what percentage of publishers do you think would remain active?.
New light keeps getting brighter and brighter and they would all say "how exciting this new light is" and "how close the end must really be now."
Are they going to keep lowering the bar to be appointed an MS or Elder???
by karter inmy mother told me of 2 young guys that have been appointed elders.. i could'nt belive it these guys have zero life experance and both their wifes walked out on them after a few years of marrage.. another one cooked his brain on drugs and his talks are painfull to listen to....all over the place and stumbles through them.. .
is it due to alot of young ones (60 to 70%) leaving and the pool to pick from is getting smaller so lowering the bar is the only way???
On my DF'ing committee (that I did not attend) one of the elders was 24 years old. How repugnant to think a mature woman would go and tell all to some little pimple face weirdo that does not even shave yet.
by Billzfan23 injust felt a tremor in boston and was on the phone when it happened with a coworker in dc - shook the building there :).
must be the last days!.
Last days indeed! Here in CO this morning we had the largest earthquake in 40 years.
by C.O.B.E.Beef inthis is my first time participating in a site like this , so please.
forgive me if my approach is clumsy.. my story is not extraordinary and hardly interesting, so thanks.
in advance to this forum for extending the bandwidth for my own.
Glad you are here C.O.B.E. Your story is very touching