I wanted someone super uber spiritual. We were both regular pioneers and he was an elder. I was a born-in, (as were my parents and 4 grandparents). My husband was only baptized for about 6 years (yes, a babe). He had been a big time cocaine dealer in the late 70's, and when he became a JW, he was an over-the-top witness. Absolutely no balance at all. We were either in service, at a meeting, or preparing for service or for the meeting.
He was also a total male chauvinist. I was not allowed out of his sight, unless he was in an elder's meeting, then he had to concede. We had nothing in common except the religion and after a short time of living like an Afghan woman, I began to question things.
I stuck it out 20 years. One day I just said no more and walked away from the marriage, the religion, my town, my home and all the acquaintances I knew - wisest decision of my life so far.