Latest May 2012 Watchtower: "JW wives must be more lovable"

by cedars 66 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    Yes, the latest Watchtower is upon us. It opens with a typically outlandish article on marriage. Here are a few of the headlines:

    Page 4, paragraph 7

    Marriage to a non-JW is an act of disobedience against God (but evidently still NOT a disfellowshipping offence), and betrays a lack of appreciation for God's gift of marriage:

    If a dedicated servant of Jehovah married an unbeliever, this would be an act of disobedience to God. The Israelites of Ezra’s day acted unfaithfully by giving “a dwelling to foreign wives,” and it would be wrong to try to water down the plain statements of the Scriptures. (Ezra 10:10; 2 Cor. 6:14, 15) A Christian who marries an unbeliever is not exemplary and lacks real appreciation for God’s gift of marriage. Entering such a union after baptism can cost one some privileges among God’s people. And it would be illogical to expect blessings while admitting in prayer, ‘Jehovah, I deliberately disobeyed you, but please bless me anyway.

    On page 5, paragraph 10, "Oral sex" is still off limits, although evidently the Society isn't mature enough to use that expression anymore:

    It is not Scripturally required that marriage mates limit sexual relations to efforts to produce offspring. Such in timacy can rightly fill emotional and physical needs. But perverted practices certainly do not please God. Christian husbands and wives will undoubtedly want to handle this important aspect of their life with tenderness, allowing them to display genuine affection for each other. And, of course, they should avoid any actions that would displease Jehovah.

    Finally, on page 6 paragraph 14, this article begins to be reminiscent of the infamous "Selma and Steve" experience in the Feb 15th edition. Apparently, God-fearing husbands should love and protect their wives "physically and spiritually", but the onus is on wives to be more "lovable":

    A wife who is guided by Jehovah’s Word and his holy spirit can do much to make her home a place of tranquillity and happiness. It is natural for a God-fearing husband to love his wife and protect her physically and spiritually. She yearns for his love, and that requires that she be lovable. “The truly wise woman has built up her house,” says Proverbs 14:1, “but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands.” A wise and loving wife contributes greatly to the success and happiness of her family. She also shows that she really appreciates God’s gift of marriage.



  • Sulla
  • oompa

    how can they"avoid actions that displease jehovah" if they dont know what they are???....they need descriptions, illustrations, and maybe a dvd released.................oompa

    if that is a study article somebody needs to raise their hand and ask what they are

  • Emma

    Loveable? Sounds like these guys need a golden retriever...

  • watson

    I hope this thread has legs. Popcorn is popping.

  • WTWizard

    More lovable? How is that even possible when together-time is limited to attending boasting sessions and field circus? You cannot develop intimacy while in that situation, because the slightest affection display might "stumble" someone. And pious-sneering is not going to draw anyone together.

  • designs

    Thigh rubbing is very popular between Return Visits

  • mrsjones5

    I've struggled over the years with the thought of not being lovable. I certainly wasn't lovable to my parents. I wasn't lovable in the org cuz I just couldn't take that dip. My hubby adores me and says that I am indeed lovable but down deep I don't really believe him. I think I internalized those negative messages I got from my parents and the org about my lovability (is that a word? ). I wish I could finally wipe that slate clean. But I am glad that I'm out of the org so that my daughter isn't exposed to that tripe. I tell and show her daily that she is lovable.

  • sir82

    It's rather puzzling, that language in paragraph 7. If it is an "act of disobedience to God", why isn't it a DF offense?

    My guess? Only 4 of the 7 GBers think it is a DF offense - a majority, but not the 2/3 needed to change policy. So to placate the majority, they word it as strongly as they can, stopping just short of making it DF-worthy.

    If they add 2 new GBers. and both of the additions think it should be a DF offense, that would raise the vote to 6 of 9, and it would be added to "the list".

    Heh - I'm sure the current GB have their eye on a half-dozen or so "newly anointed" ones floating around Bethel, considering who can join the club. I'm also quite sure that there are frequent conversations between individuals on the current GB and these "contenders", as the GB try to get a feel for how any prospective members would vote on various issues, which would then affect on whether the "contender" gets voted in or not.

  • designs

    None of the GB are French

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