OOOOOOOOOoooooooo.....It is so tempting. I wish I could, but I better stay in and brush the cat.
I am sending you a PM since we are in the same area. I know some great people on this site that are all in the Denver area too.
i've been a long time reader and finally created an account.
i will have a post in the near future telling you more about me soon.
thats for another post tho.
OOOOOOOOOoooooooo.....It is so tempting. I wish I could, but I better stay in and brush the cat.
I am sending you a PM since we are in the same area. I know some great people on this site that are all in the Denver area too.
i wonder how many witnesses actually believe their religion.
what do you think?.
I asked my mother recently if she ever, ever once had a doubt that this may be "the truth". She said absolutely never once. She knew when she was baptized in Lake Michigan in 1939 at the age of 8 that this was the only truth there was.
you may be a jw ........if you spent last saturday traped in a car with at least 4 other people you may be a jw.. if you have sat through a sheparding call where you were told you are unworthy you may be a jw.. if you have alienated your worldly relatives with your preaching you may be a jw.. if you have ticked some one of buy knocking on their door on one of their religous holidays you may be a jw.. if you think the governing body is goods direct channel you may be a jw.. if you have no clue when this system is going to end you may be a jw.. .
· Half of your friends have fibromyalgia and the other half are hypoglycemic
· You are in the 1 st grade and you show all your friends how to write the number 144,000
· You pray for wind on Saturday morning because your father wears a toupee and it is the only way you will get to stay home and watch cartoons.
Too Funny Diest !!
If I could double my IQ and half my age, it would be Diest!
it is impossible to unweave the complex cobweb of a failed marriage and totally understand it, let alone to generalize the occurance for many other couples.
but, let's assume the case of a marriage of two typical jw born-ins.
as far as jw's go, they grew up without major disfunction, still talk to their parents, etc.. in cases like this, how many of these couples are still together?
I wanted someone super uber spiritual. We were both regular pioneers and he was an elder. I was a born-in, (as were my parents and 4 grandparents). My husband was only baptized for about 6 years (yes, a babe). He had been a big time cocaine dealer in the late 70's, and when he became a JW, he was an over-the-top witness. Absolutely no balance at all. We were either in service, at a meeting, or preparing for service or for the meeting.
He was also a total male chauvinist. I was not allowed out of his sight, unless he was in an elder's meeting, then he had to concede. We had nothing in common except the religion and after a short time of living like an Afghan woman, I began to question things.
I stuck it out 20 years. One day I just said no more and walked away from the marriage, the religion, my town, my home and all the acquaintances I knew - wisest decision of my life so far.
noroomforgeorge must be drooling over this wt illustration.
the (1950s) woman of his dreams.... .
OMG!!!! This picture soooooooooooo makes me appreciate....
· That I am not a witness
· I do not have some lame ass man underfoot
· I never have to wear a skirt that length ever again
yes, the latest watchtower is upon us.
it opens with a typically outlandish article on marriage.
here are a few of the headlines:.
She yearns for his love
They sure know how to make women sound like a stupid group of people
i still go to meetings (sometimes) mostly to acompany my wife and kids.
i have known of jw friends of mine that have gone to elder's for family problems, dispute's with other cult member's or those hemroid's that just won't clear up.
whatever.... i personally never ever told an elder or elder's a stitch of info about my personal life or trouble's etc.
I was an elders daughter for my entire childhood and then an elder's wife from age 20 to 41. I will have to say that my father let things slip and frequently. However, my husband NEVER, EVER revealed anything confidential. He was as silent as the grave, and I do believe the entire body was the same way. I was so wrapped up in my children's lives that I honestly did not care who was doing what in the congregation. I was focused solely on one thing and it had nothing to do with anything or anyone spiritual.
So not all elder's wives really give a rat's ass what goes on behind closed doors!!!!
this is actually not a former witness or anything, this is a cracked style article.
i think it's pretty funny, i think it's evidence that the wt is not going to be around forever.
Too Funny!
The comments below that article are hilarious too. Like this one...
Every time my house melts I have to unplug my router and wait 10 seconds