Welcome Kepler!
Please start a new thread! This is very worthy of it's own thread!!
i was just glancing at the back of the october 15th watchtower and the questions from readers.
the question under discussion is "what should i do when i have a question about something i read in the bible or when i need advice about a personal problem?".
the article goes on to discuss how we should consult the watch tower publications index among the many 'tools' that have been provided by the faithful and discreet slave whenever we have a question that is not directly discussed in the publications.. one statement really caught my eye, because it's the first time i've ever seen the society actually dissuade people from writing in with questions.
Welcome Kepler!
Please start a new thread! This is very worthy of it's own thread!!
my father in law's sow has been a pioneer for what...twenty plus years now?
she has yet to see any of her studies progress to baptism.
i know this is an excellent thing but to jw's you would think it would be tragic.
I pioneered for 10 years when the requirements were 1000 hrs/year. In that decade, I had one lady that I met going door to door advance to baptism. 10,000 hours = 1 convert
How I wish I could have those 10,000 hours back!
I beleived that since we were both regular pioneers, Jehovah would bless us and we would be blissfully happy even though we were polar opposites and had nothing in common besides the religion.
apologies if this has been discussed before, or is in the wrong forum, but i could really do with some advice.
two years ago i met the love of my life; someone i regard as my soulmate.
he is an active jw and i am a practising church of england person.
When a man wants to marry you, it should be because he likes you, loves you and is in love with you. He wants you as you are! A real man will not ask you to change
...and the list goes on and on. Do not settle for someone who wants you only if you change for him! You are worth more than that.
this one really freaked me out.
i was so brainwashed at the time i found a way to justify it.
i think i?ve been repressing my anger about this and now i need to vent.
Marked for later
i have a personal theory about russell, rutherford and franz.. it extends to end times religious people in general.. that is, highly intelligent...end times believers.... .
there is a tension to believing something that never seems to overlap with reality.. your intelligence keeps flashing "something's wrong".. but, your deeply held convictions (faith) tells you to shut the f**k up!.
so, you live your live with a "gnawing" away at your brain.
"Jehovah's arm was being twisted. And, to bring it off, Franz used all of his considerable imagination and reputation to BUILD THE ARGUMENT behind Chronology and the worldwide effort to make 1975 THE TARGET YEAR."
Interesting thoughts Terry. We know the writing dep't did a good job of blaming the lowly JW's for jumping ahead. It was all so nicely covered up and swept under the carpet but what do you think Fred really thought come 1/1/76?
i am dating a gal that i met on match.com - we saw each other first last summer, but she didn't think we were a 'match'.
after the "pressure" was off we started hanging out quite a bit with all the benefits that go along with it.
this went on for months.. i became smitten with her, but we weren't a couple, which she pointed out a couple of times.
I agree 100% with Sic Semper.
However, this does not mean it is a lost cause. Give it more time - she may in the months ahead realize you are her soul mate
As ex-JW's we were under the impression that dating lasted a few weeks followed by a quick marriage proposal and a fast trip down the aisle. The real world is so refreshingly different.
i honestly cant remember the exact date when i was baptized.
it does not bother me one bit.
i didnt have it stamped in that shitty reasoning book/babel that i got at the time, so i guess the only place i could find it would be my cards, which are far away..
30 years next month. I wish I could still fit into size 0 bikinis.
i've been a long time reader and finally created an account.
i will have a post in the near future telling you more about me soon.
thats for another post tho.
OOOOOOOOOoooooooo.....It is so tempting. I wish I could, but I better stay in and brush the cat.
I am sending you a PM since we are in the same area. I know some great people on this site that are all in the Denver area too.
i wonder how many witnesses actually believe their religion.
what do you think?.
I asked my mother recently if she ever, ever once had a doubt that this may be "the truth". She said absolutely never once. She knew when she was baptized in Lake Michigan in 1939 at the age of 8 that this was the only truth there was.