When my ex's catholic grandfather died, he went to the funeral and stood outside the door of the church, but would not enter the church
When my ex's catholic grandfather died, he went to the funeral and stood outside the door of the church, but would not enter the church
i see a lot of mentions about hospitality after the public talk and honestly, i guess it is a practice that was not in the ny/ct area i grew up in or here in south florida today.. i grew up with an elder father and grandfather who gave public talks and were generally well-liked.
as a child, i never recall being invited to someone's house after the meeting.
granted, it was rare to travel more than an hour but regardless, it was typical to get in the car and head home after the "amens.
Growing up in rural northern WI it was absolutely the norm to have hospitality for every speaker. I have fond memories of traveling 100+ miles to a KH with my parents and four siblings once a month and then spending the afternoon at some rural farm home with another big JW family and a huge spread. These were great times (1968-1980)
Fast forward to when I got married in 1986 (Boulder, CO). My husband and I were both regular pioneering and living in a 375 sq ft condo. He was in charge of assigning hospitality and in his usual lame ass manner, never really got around to it. So we ended up taking the speaker and gang to lunch almost every Sunday. Our place was too small to invite anyone over and a cheap restaurant in Boulder is hard to come by. This was an incredible financial hardship on us. He finally figured out he was not cut out for that responsibility and turned it over to someone else.
ok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
This is tragic! The Society has inflicted so much unnecessary pain on families.
So sorry Donny!
this is sort of a continuation of threads on dubs and how they are conditioned to discipline their children.
someone questioned whether the society actually encouraged dubs to whup their children.
i only had enough time to dig up a few salient quotes from the wt magazine.
Thanks for bumping this Diest!
Fred Franz stated that some hard whacks to the backside was the best "medicine" of all
Said by a man that never even raised a pet. More words of wisdom pulled from his ass.
and it even has the links to if you are attending....or a maybe....or a no...so far three are down with it...and i may just freak them all out and click maybe..............oompa.
it shows up every day this week on my phone main screen barf....oh and the other half of the group will go next week....nice of them to split them up like that...we always did so as not to have to shut down almost!.
lmao...i just hired two more dfd this past week!!!
Your the boss Oompa! Show them who is in charge - take the post down.
he has always been one of my absolute favorite posters.
where has he gone?.
So happy you are still here LWT!!!!
And very happy your family is thriving!
fox carolina 21deputies: wife stabbed by husband at church.
whns greenville-9 minutes agogreenville county deputies said they were called to kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses at 1400 old spartanburg rd.
about 2:15 p.m. where they found ...http://www.foxcarolina.com/story/18848997/deputies-wife-stabbed-by-husband-at-church.
Billy you are hilarious!
he has always been one of my absolute favorite posters.
where has he gone?.
He has always been one of my absolute favorite posters. Where has he gone?
i'm just wondering what the whole apostate propaganda is all about?.
do you think you can do some sort of justice to the wt for the pains they have caused you?, what actualy are your motives?.
i dont get it.
I just want a little self- comfort now and then. I come here to feel soothed that I was not the only sucker.