D.C. 2006 Loveland, CO - The Budweiser Center. I sat and read The Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I knew I was done with the religion and the marriage.
JoinedPosts by Magwitch
do you remember the Last assembly you attended?
by crystlew123 ini dont remember the date.
or the year or if it was a district or circuit.
what i do remember is that we rode up with a car full of other female witnesses.
I Do Not Think Everyone That is a JW Wastes Their Life
by Magwitch inmy 97 year old grandmother died last week.
she was actually born and raised a jw.
her mother (my great grandmother) was a russelite.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments. I really do appreciate them. I was thinking last night how both my grandparents were born to Ukrainian immigrants (peasants). The religion provided them with a purpose that their life may have lacked otherwise. Who's to say? Anyway thank you all for weighing in.
I Do Not Think Everyone That is a JW Wastes Their Life
by Magwitch inmy 97 year old grandmother died last week.
she was actually born and raised a jw.
her mother (my great grandmother) was a russelite.
Thanks all of you!
Ignorance is bliss for many in JW world. They are happy and should be left alone. It is the unhappy ones that we need to reach.
I Do Not Think Everyone That is a JW Wastes Their Life
by Magwitch inmy 97 year old grandmother died last week.
she was actually born and raised a jw.
her mother (my great grandmother) was a russelite.
My 97 year old grandmother died last week. She was actually born and raised a JW. Her mother (my great grandmother) was a Russelite. My grandmother was baptized in Lake Michigan as a young girl. She loved being a witness. She met Rutherford a number of times and worshipped the man to her dying day. She spoke of him as if he was God himself. She married at 16 (my grandfather was also born and raised in) and she and my grandfather were so proud to be JW's. They were faithful to the religion to the very end. Never, ever doubting that what they had was anything but absolute truth.
She was a very happy lady, pioneered for years and years - had wonderful friends in the organization. Really knew how to enjoy life. She did some world traveling and dressed to kill. On her dying day she told my mother how happy she was to be so privileged to know THE TRUTH her whole life and she was so looking forward to waking up and see my grandfather.
200 attended her funeral on Sunday, which I thought was fantastic because it always seemed the funerals for the elderly were poorly attended. Both the brother giving the talk and the brother that gave the closing prayer were choking up. I did not attend the funeral. I just cannot stomach going into a KH. I told my parents I was sick (which was the truth).
For some, like my grandmother, not know TTATT is a blessing. She was so happy to die faithful.
I do not think too many men would have an albino kitten for their avatar. Female.
What's The Worst Thing About Being A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus infor me, i think it's that the witnesses teach they are god's spokesman.
they represent his "faithful & discreet slave"....and that they alone are expounders of the only truth and that if you disagree with anything they teach, you are considered worse than vomit.. it's unbelievable because these people are wrong so many times, it cannot be excused!.
as a witness, you must accept every viewpoint and if you (and your family) do not accept it all, hook, line and sinker, you are "apostates"!!!.
When I was my bubbly, animated self, my parents and later husband were always telling me to reign it in, tone it down. Being a happy, self-confident female was so frowned on.
But, when I was quiet, with my eyes cast down, faithfully pioneering, feeling meek, mild, submissive, victimized and totally beaten down, I was so respected and admired.
So I guess the worst part for me was not being able to be the person I was born to be. Having to take on a personality that did not fit just to fit in.
A lunchtime spotting of JWs on their break from door-knocking...
by Jim_TX innot that big of a deal, but it is kind of humorous.... my wife and i went to a local mcdonald's for lunch.
yes, i know all the bad things that are in their foods... but it's difficult to find lunch places that are 'healthy' and low-cost.. anyway, she went and sat down, and i ordered the food.
as i came round the corner with the tray filled with burger, fries and the cups for our sodas, i spotted a group of four women sitting at one of the tables.. folks... i just want to make one thing very clear.
Funny how you can spot them a mile away.
In my town everyone is usually in some form of running, jogging, cycling, yoga, etc outfit. You see someone in a tie or worse yet a very outdated skirt and everyone starts sweatin' and looking for the nearest exit.
Getting Back In (yes, its for family) What do I Say on 3rd Try?
by Meadow36 inin my last meeting to be re-instated they said for next time figure out which person from the bible i'm most like.
and be ready to tell them what i pray about and how i feel about what i did to jehovah.
being honest , speaking from the heart about jesus forgiving peter and having a hard time answering the prayer question didn't work getting hysterical and nervous-breakdownish at the end didn't help, nor did running out of the hall after saying i could never do any better.
Meadow - My heart goes out to you! Congratulations on 4 months of being sober. I have had my struggles with alcohol, I know what a terrible battle this is, as do others on this forum. 4 months is a huge accomplishment.
Keep the AA thing under your hat when you are around your committee or other witnesses in the future. The society takes a very dim view of AA.
Matthew 21 has the parable of the son that told his father he would, but did not and the 2nd son that told his father he would not but did. I love this parable! I would use it in your meeting. With a tear in your eye let them know that you feel you let Jehovah down because at your baptism you promised Jehovah you would, but unfortunatly you failed and now feel like the son who told his father he would, but then did not.
Here is to hoping 3rd time is a charm! Hopefully you can get back in and help get your kids OUT!
Encounter with two elders last night
by sd-7 ini realized recently that this was the start of a new service year (read: fi$cal year), so of course i figured it was possible the elders would make their usual rounds and show up uninvited.
it hadn't occurred to me that they would approach me as i was picking up my family from the meeting last night.
as i was getting my daughter situated, the chairman of my judicial committee says, "hey!
SD-7 So sorry you have to go through this. It has got to be tough to even enter the KH parking lot - don't know if I could do it.
I find it interesting that some ex JW's continue to be visited, shepherded (hounded) etc, then others walk out the door and are forgotten about almost immediately.
Have you met anyone on the Governing Body?
by Christ Alone ini posted on another thread about a couple of my experiences of meeting the governing body while i was in brooklyn.
i wanted to see if anyone else had any experiences along these same lines.
i met most of the ones that were current during the 2001-2003 years.
I met F. Franz a number of times. The most memorable was when I was 17 (summer of 82). Fred was a speaker at our district convention here in Denver. A power couple invited over a few CO and DO couples along with Fred to their home for dinner. My sister was seeing a single DO and I guess I was the chaperone. It was so encouraging to a young girl who wanted to go into missionary work. After dinner we all sang kingdom songs - I just ate it up!
I believe it was the next year (or maybe still 82), our DO friend asked me if I would pick up and deliver the Swingles from their hotel to the district convention arena everyday. I was honored, but have to say, I do not think either one of them bathed much.