Okay - this best kiss of my life will probably sound off the charts "strange". I have hesitated relating it but here it goes....
My oldest daughter circled the entire world in a very small ship in 2012 (through the University of Virginia). I missed her so much it hurt. Toward the end of her journey I tried to remember her sweet scent, going into her old room and smelling her clothes - just longing for her to return safely. The day finally came when her boat docked in San Diego; I had her booked on the next flight home to Denver. A number of her college friends wanted to come to the airport with me so unfortunately (thanks to them) I was late. I parked the car in the nearest lot and ran at top speed to the 4th floor where the luggage arrives on the carousels. I saw my beautiful daughter standing off to the side wearing pants from India, a shirt from Ghana and a straw pyramid hat from Vietnam. I threw my arms around her and tossed that hat off her head and smelled her long gorgeous hair and kissed the top of her head before I broke down in tears of happiness.
Now that is a kiss I will NEVER forget!