We all try to get along. You know, to fit in....to be a part of our own family or group and not be a total nerd or contrarian.
We hold our tongue. We smile and nod.
But, then....there is at least ONE THING we just can't go along with because it is too important.
Why? Because we are a total snob. We KNOW better than the others and we can't keep our mouth shut.
We simply have to stand up, stand out, tell it like it is.
It could be about wine or clothes or movies or novels---doesn't matter what. It IS IMPORTANT to us and we KNOW BETTER than the others.
Rather than just making a list of "stuff I really like" I want you to dig down deep and pick the ONE BIG thing--when the snob inside you pops out.
Define: SNOB
A person who believes that their tastes in a particular area are superior to those of other people
Taste is the key. Not just opinion!
To have taste you have to have extensive knowledge and experience. You have to be discriminating.too, because you can distinguish the tiny important differences that add up to the total experience.
For example: when I ask people generally who their favorite author is and they reply, "Oh, I just love Stephen King!"--I want to barf. I'm a total snob about writing. King does what he does successfully and well, however, he is not one of the top 50 greatest writers by any means.
And so on.....
You see? You'd get a huge argument from me with lots of examples of great writing as opposed to merely "effective" writing.
I'd start talking about Cormac McCarthy, Ray Bradbury, John Steinbeck, etc. and how their words and vision are simple, poetic and evocative in a powerfully emotional way. Blah blah blah:)
Okay, that's the set up.
What is that...subject....that thing which brings out the SNOB in you and why?