Besides learning to think and reason, you also realize there are a lot of wonderful and interesting friendships to be had with "worldly people".
The GB certainly do not want us realizing that there are a lot of great people in "the world"
we have co visit this week.
its official, after months and months of college bashing including but not limited to the wonderful jeremiah book the co's are hitting it hard with their talks now.
same as the jeremiah book, higher education sucks and worldy people suck.
Besides learning to think and reason, you also realize there are a lot of wonderful and interesting friendships to be had with "worldly people".
The GB certainly do not want us realizing that there are a lot of great people in "the world"
at the moment the usa has around 2 million people in prison.. along with that you have some crazy prison sentences.. .
thug shot at police 19 times.
hit an officer on shoulder.. 122 years.. .
This is a subject that absolutely sickens me. So many beautiful young lives wasting away in a cell. So many heartless prosecutors!
this was the first time in almost eight years i have had a conversation with a jw .
we were on vacation last week at my son and daughter in laws home .
one morning the doorbell rang and as i went to answer it my daughter in law said she thought it was witnesses .
Did you get their names? I most likely know them
the scoop of humanity at one khall, the anointed ones" were a mixed group.. one bro, h. had been in for eons.
he was df for adultery, back in the day when they would announce your sin openly from the platform to everyone.
he just kept on coming and partaking until he was reinstated.
As an elder's wife and a pioneer of ten years, I can honestly say the only part of this thread that applies to me is ....
never washes or cleans the car
I did what I was told by my father and then my husband. It was a hell of a life and I am glad to be free of the slavery.
we've all waxed poetic about the jw views on higher education and how they truly stifled people trying to pursue an education.
but what did they offer as an alternative??!!.
at least mormons (who's theology is as equally fucked up as jws) had an accredited school in brigham young university that their people could aspire to attend.
Another element to this JW saga is that we were robbed of 4 years of fun. I have watched my two daughters have the absolute time of their lives at CU these last 4 years. The age of 18-22 should be a very, very happy time in our life. Instead many of us were beating the pavement, pounding on doors and desperately looking for a marriage mate so we could move out from our parents house, while we worked nights cleaning toilets.
jehovahs witnesses and the curse of music.. .
i was inspired to write this after listening to a recent podcast of the thinking atheist by seth andrews.
as many of you know, seth was a devout christian who not only loved contemporary christian music but was one of the hosts of a popular morning show on kxoj in tulsa, oklahoma in the 1990s.
I was 11 years old when the Eagles song "Life in the Fast Lane" came out. Loved this song until my mother said it was not proper to listen to a song called "Wipe in the Vasoline"
so, we're in the final countdown with the convention just over a month away.
i've talked to a few folks that have already attended it on the east coast and west coast and keep hearing that its the most up-building program they've ever been to.
seems the message is clear that we need to stop being so hard on ourselves and take time to appreciate the efforts we have put in and know that we are deeply loved.
Lostgeneration.....Really? So what did you learn that was new?"
Response: The end is closer now than ever before. We are on the brink, on the very, very, very brink....
with all the back-door politics, white-washing of elder mistakes, selective enforcement of rules etc.
aren't elders not much different than any other political position out there in the world (mayor, congressman, senator etc.)?
doesn't the same hold true as well for co, do, etc.?
I heard many P.O's wives referred to as "The First Lady" - sounds rather political to me
the irony is so thick you can cut a knife with it.
the watchtower must have some real cognitive dissonance.
read it for your self:.
"...imagine that a husband and wife plan a trip and the wife would like to take her parents along. The husband objects. “You’re married to me, not to your parents,” he says. He then gives his wife the silent treatment, shunning her in the hope that she will break down and concede to his wishes." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In most houses this would be grounds for divorce. In my home I would just be left behind if I tried to haul my old mother on a vacation.