LITS...We have so much in common. If I could add up all the time I waited for an elder's meeting to end, it would probably be many, many months of my life. Dave wanted to do anything and everything for anybody in the cong. Besides the endless hours preparing talks, giving parts, shepherding, endless phone calls, elder meetings, committee meetings, brown nosing, visiting the sick, he also loved to paint their homes, clean their carpets, fix their cars, and any electrical or plumbing needs anyone had - it never F***ing ended!!!!! He was everyone's night in shining armor. It ruined our marriage long before I learned the TTATT. The only positive is that he never had a minute for his daughters either, so when I left they were tied to my hip. They are in their 20's now and have no relationship at all with their father - they just remember him as someone who preferred the religious stage over them.
Sorry to do a bit of highjacking here :)