Blue Jeans BANNED by Jehovahs Witnesses Governing body

by Watchtower-Free 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Watchtower-Free

    For anybody attending a international convention .

    5 Body of elders letters just leaked . In one it says this

    "Applicant Instructions".


    Applicants must be exemplary in every respect, including dress and grooming. (2 Cor. 6:3, 4a; 1 Tim. 2:9, 10) It would be good to review the brochure Dress & Grooming for Visitors Touring Bethel. Please check with a member of the Congregation Service Committee in this regard. At all times, but par-ticularly when serving as a delegate to a special convention, our dress and grooming should reflect the decency and dignity that befit servants of Jehovah God. (km 3/98 p. 7; od p. 138 par. 3) We request that no blue jeans be worn for the duration of your trip. You are expected to comply with these standards for dress and grooming while traveling, attending the convention, associating with the local brothers, and sightseeing.

    The letters are on this thread

  • Comatose

    What a dumb dumb rule. They don't ban short shorts or athletic pants or skirts above the knee... They ban blue jeans at all times. Even heading out to a gas station or a fast food joint. No blue jeans. Thank god they are looking out for the orgs reputation.

  • WingCommander

    The GB says, "Blue jeans are from da Debil!!!!!!" Dats what da GB says.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I have heard from ex-Bethelites on this forum who were there in the 70's that Knorr had a thing against anything denim and would go off on someone if he saw it. He did this without discretion. A Bethelite could be headed for a BBQ at the weekend and this still was inapropriate for him.

    This is likely inherited from that era. Just like beards are still looked down upon because Rutherford was clean-shaven and he saw them as a homage to Russell.

  • WTWizard

    Specifically, they are banning jeans while they are at the a$$embly, and by extention, if you are at a Grand Boasting Session while you are in the city. Which means you are stuck in that suit the whole time.

    I can only hope they don't ban wearing of regular clothing all the time. If I were the one writing this, I would have explicitly permitted them to wear comfortable clothings while not at the programs (including jeans, and if conditions warrant, Bermuda shorts). This goes for those attending Grand Boasting Sessions. I see no reason why people can't wear jeans and decent shirts while not at the program. Personally, I see no reason why jeans and regular shirts, in good condition and not sloppily worn, can't be worn while at the program or at the regular boasting sessions. Nor do I see any reason "sisters" have to wear frumpy dresses--pant suits, jeans in good condition, and regular shirts should suffice.

    Nor should everything be grayish in color. That would turn me off to see 90% of the men wearing suits that are black (or so dark as to be indistinguishable from black), gray, or brown. I would prefer to see them in a variety of clothing--many would wear suits, while others would be in casual-business attire. I would prefer to see "sisters" in whatever is comfortable for them. Again, most would wear pants--even jeans. Accessories, too. I prefer seeing people using whatever is most comfortable for them to use. I would rather see yellow or red bags of nylon (in decent condition) than everyone using dark brown, black, or gray. And yes, if conditions dictate, Bermuda shorts while at the a$$embly venues would be appropriate (the very short shorts may be inappropriate in a Christian setting, but even then such is only because Christi-SCAM-ity has rendered us ashamed of our bodies).

    And, if things got very hot, I would rather see people in shorts and tank tops rather than in the emergency room from heat stroke.

  • VM44

    The concern is that the blue jeans people might wear would have an old, torn, faded, distressed look.

    The Watchtower wants people to dress neatly to make a good impression.

  • jwfacts

    Good to see the religion has not progressed much from their 1800's roots. If it lasts another couple of hundred years they will be as oddball as Amish. There is something seriously wrong with the Governing Body, and hopefully it will turn off even more people.

  • caliber

    proof that blue jeans are evil

  • L3G

    Good thing I have black jeans—I was really worried!

    James 2:1-4 must be HEAVILY weighing on the GB's mind.

  • Finkelstein

    This ban on blue jeans isn't new particularly at Assemblies.

    The BORG is always trying to shape and create an image for its adherents /members

    this sorted outward appearance is crucial in their eyes, always with intent to attract other members of the public.

    Even to those who take a tour of the Bethel facilities, the GB hierarchy may be in the building at the time

    Power and Control is every where in JW land and when you become a JWS you will know who has the most power.

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