This video is priceless! GB Samuel Herd tells women their place as a JW. If this video doesn't send you running, I do not know what will.
hello all... i currently studying the bible teach book and i'm just curious what information does the study conductor record about the student and is it passed on??
and they keep on saying "the truth" which is starting to get on my nerves.
This video is priceless! GB Samuel Herd tells women their place as a JW. If this video doesn't send you running, I do not know what will.
hello all... i currently studying the bible teach book and i'm just curious what information does the study conductor record about the student and is it passed on??
and they keep on saying "the truth" which is starting to get on my nerves.
I tend to believe that there are 3 types of people that become Jehovah's Witnesses
The top two categories tend to eventually see that it is all a lie. Unless you fall into one of these categories, please run!
you don't have to know much to talk to jw's and show them they don't want to really discuss the matters.they consider a discussion on the matter they are pushing to be "confrontational.".
i spent this last weekend with my mother, who is still in.
the local newspaper ran a headline about child abuse by a priest, and she made a comment about the priests abusing kids again.
without missing a beat, i said 'haven't you all been settling a lot of child sex abuse claims yourselves?
i have read the site with great interest over the last few weeks.
some interesting stuff thats for sure.. i have left the jehovah's witnesses (was almost going to say the 'truth') for some time now.
i was one of the lucky ones that was baptised then faded, no humiliating disfellowshipping but nonetheless was very hard to get myself out.
Happy that you found us WateredDown
the movie american sniper is breaking box office records and of course there is some irony that a movie about a sniper is released on martin luther king day (who was shot by one).. but of course there is a world of difference between an assassin and a military sniper ... or is there?.
some are making a big stink about it and claiming that "snipers are cowards".
it seems unfair to me.
why are so many jehovah's witnesses unaware of their own beliefs.
i would imagine the repetitive meetings, studies and door to door knocking would firmly root them in their beliefs.. yet, i've observed they either back out of challenging questions at times, or share a link to jay w org.. .
am i going nuts or am i just pissed off?
there are so many posters who use abbreviations in their posts and so many of us have been out for years.
the borg constantly changes everything from beliefs to organizational tactics, so those like me don't have a clue to what you are referring to.
All the sisters in the 50's claimed to be AA.......Though they were anything but
STAN.....Drawing a blank!!
today is my first post on jwd, i was one of jehovahs witness for almost 50 years of my life, i was born into the religion.
i was baptized at a young age and once i got married i was a very spiritual woman as they would call me.
my husband and i served as full time pioneers, we traveled abroad and went to international conventions, did some special pioneer service in other states in the us.