JW teach that your life is not predestined. Predestination means the path of your life(death) is suppose to be determined at birth right? Its kind of a confusing subject. If God knew before hand that we were going to die in a certain manner and in (some cases some die horrible deaths),why allow you to be brought into the world at all? I have several friends of different religions and they practically all believe that when you are born into this world its already determined when you are going to die. I dont have too many problems with that line of reasoning. What I have a problem with is the manner of that persons death? Would a loving God really allow someone to come into this world knowing that they would die a horrible death like torture,decapitation,or any gruesome death? What about the poor innocent children that die because someone beat them to death, or put them in a microwave,etc. Please help me out on this one? Sorry so graphic in description in manner of death. But I just wanted to get my point across.
JoinedPosts by jetery
Do you believe in predestination?
by jetery injw teach that your life is not predestined.
predestination means the path of your life(death) is suppose to be determined at birth right?
its kind of a confusing subject.
Death,Destruction,Gloom, Oh my!
by jetery inisnt a religion suppose to uplift u and encourage u?
when i was a jw(d'fed now) i remember sitting thru the meetings listening about death and destruction and how people were going to die who were not jw.
i was more depressed being one of jw than i was when i was a catholic.
Isnt a religion suppose to uplift u and encourage u? when i was a JW(d'fed now) i remember sitting thru the meetings listening about death and destruction and how people were going to die who were not Jw. I was more depressed being one of Jw than I was when I was a Catholic. Even though the Catholics believe in a burning hell and I had believed in it too when I was one I wasnt nearly afraid of it like I was Armageddon. It seemed like Jw/GB message was always about how the people were going to die because they werent responding to the preaching work. I often wondered what would happen to those who never even heard of JW or who never been preached too. Why would a loving just God destroy those who never heard of Jehovah's Witnesses? Who wants to hear about dying and death all the time. I remember when my mother died most didnt attend her funeral because there was a CA the same day of her funeral. Some boldy told my step-father they werent attending because of the CA. We barely even was able to get a Jw elder to perform the ceremony until my step-father(non-Jw) threatened to get someone of his religion to do it. Then they changed their tune. Its sad when u have to get someone of another religion who would have done it without questions to perform the funeral. The whole time some were murmurring(cant spell) u see if she hadnt married a "worldy man" this would not be happening. Jw funerals are so boring anyone. One of the witnessess even had the gall to tell me that maybe its a good thing that she died anyway because when( not if mind you) my step-father is destroyed at armageddon she wont be here to see it. Boy what encouragement from people who thrive on acting like they are loving and kind. Its all a joke. All I ever heard thru out my time in the "truth" is people being destroyed. Its like they almost get a thrill out of it. And why? Or if it wasnt the doom and gloom sermon every sunday or the local need talk it was the Satan sermon. Everything that was done was a result of Satan. If I was depressed, It was Satan. If I was struggling financially,It was Satan. If I had doubts about certain teachings,it was Satan. So the question is, Did u ever get tired of the Death,Destruction, and Gloomy message?
If Jw hate being a part of the world so much, why do they try...
by jetery inwhen i was a witness i remember asking one of the elders if it would be alright to donate to different causes/charities like the american cancer society,st judes hospital etc.
he told me that these organizations only provide temporary relief whereas god kingdom would provide permanent relief.
) he was so down on these organizations but yet when he needed them for help he sure didnt hesitate to ask them.
and benefit from it? when i was a witness i remember asking one of the elders if it would be alright to donate to different causes/charities like the american cancer society,st judes hospital etc. he told me that these organizations only provide temporary relief whereas god kingdom would provide permanent relief. he also said the best way that i could help these people is by preaching to them(as if that was going to really help.) he was so down on these organizations but yet when he needed them for help he sure didnt hesitate to ask them. For example, his granddaughter needed eye surgery so they went to the Lions Club to ask for help.Well they were approved for it and eye surgery was paid for in full causing thousands of dollars. It amazed me that he put down these organizations so badly that when it came time to benefit from them he wasted no time. Just like there are alot of wintesses that would put down these organizations but yet wont fail to use them when necessary. If they hate the world so much, then why bother with their programs. The complain about the government but they dont mind receiving help or monetary aid especially since some dont work because they dont wont to use the "world to the full". There was a sister who never worked and complained about the government but yet was receiving a check and food stamp from them. It seems to be if I didnt want to be a part of the world or benefit from any of their programs, I would stay clear of them in all aspects. Why does everything revolve around the preaching work as being the be all end all.If I was sick I dont think I would want to hear someone preaching to me all the time. Some of these organizations do provide some relief for the patient especially those who cant afford health care. Jw complain about people of other religions but yet these people provide jobs for some of them.If they hated being a part of the world so much then why not work only for JW"s. It seems like to me that if u disliked the world so much why make use of it?
How do the elders know if you are truly repentent?
by jetery inthe reason why i ask is because whenever u are df and u are trying to get reinstated they are always tellling u that u have to produce fruits befitting repentenace like attending the meetings,etc.
they always make it seem that since they are gods spirit-directed org.
that he will know whether or not if a person is repentent.
the reason why i ask is because whenever u are DF and u are trying to get reinstated they are always tellling u that u have to produce fruits befitting repentenace like attending the meetings,etc. they always make it seem that since they are gods spirit-directed org. that he will know whether or not if a person is repentent. i think the reality is that the elders decide whether or not u show repentence not god. and its up to them to determine whether u should be reinstated not god. i know of a case of a girl in my former congregation who has been DF 3 or 4 times (in fact she is Df now) who was going to the meeting. she never missed one and everyone including the elders thought she was so repentent. well guess what? she was still doing all the things she was doing when she got DF. she hadnt really changed at all. the elders felt she showed repentence and reinstated her. my question is how are they able to determine that? can they read peoples hearts. this girl was faking repentence the entire time she was trying to get reinstated. i know the elders in my former congregation DF who they wanted and reinstated who they wanted. i know of many cases where some were struggling with alcholism like my mom and they basically treated her as if she was a criminial and took all her privileges away like pioneering and she had only fallen off the wagon that one time. she never was the same. she started going downhill ever since.they thought she could just get over her problem i guess. what i dont get is there can be 2 people doing the same thing like fornicating,committing adultery, smoking or whatever and they get DF. if both are trying to get reinstated one may get reinstated in 6 months and the other may be 1 year. what gives? how do they know if a person is truly repentant and not faking it just to get reinstated. thats why i dont understand the DF arrangement. supposely its to keep the congregation "clean". really can an imperfect man, elder in this case tell whether or not someone is involved in wrongdoing? what determines the length of time that a person has to serve in order to get reinstated? and how do they know people
When Disassociating
by str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up insomeone had started a thread about a comment their mother made - "i would rather my children be dead then disfellowshipped" and it reminded me of a comment my father made when i disassociated myself:.
"...don't disassociate yourself - simply don't go to meetings or go out witnessing...it will make it so much easier for you to come back..".
it disturbs me on two levels:.
Someone please help me out on this one. Are JW's allowed to help....
by jetery inanyone who is d'fed(like me- dont miss it) or disassociated,etc who may be in dire need.
i know that when u are disfellowshipped u are not allowed to associate with anyone who is a witness and they are suppose to shun u the rest of your life until u come to your "senses".
but anyway what i want to know is if im on the side of the road bleeding to death and one of jw recognize will they stop and help me or anyone for that matter.even when i was in the "truth" i always wondered about that since they are not supposed to have any contact with u. where do they draw the line when it comes to shunning people?
anyone who is D'Fed(like me- dont miss it) or disassociated,etc who may be in dire need. I know that when u are disfellowshipped u are not allowed to associate with anyone who is a witness and they are suppose to shun u the rest of your life until u come to your "senses". But anyway what i want to know is if Im on the side of the road bleeding to death and one of JW recognize will they stop and help me or anyone for that matter.Even when i was in the "truth" i always wondered about that since they are not supposed to have any contact with u. Where do they draw the line when it comes to shunning people? Does it cover all aspects even to the point of not helping someone who is dying? If thats true then thats a sad excuse for a Christian.
why do jw look down on someone going to college?
by jetery ini wil never forget how when i graduated from high school in 1988 i had the opportnity to go to college.
all expenses paid.
my dad didnt approve of it and he was so emotionally abusive that i didnt go because i was told that i had to pioneer.
i wil never forget how when i graduated from high school in 1988 i had the opportnity to go to college. all expenses paid. my dad didnt approve of it and he was so emotionally abusive that i didnt go because i was told that i had to pioneer. i was also told by the elders that by the time i graduated from college the world would come to an end. guess what? that was 20 years ago and the end hasnt come yet. they dad use to tell people: dont worry about her the witnesses will take care of her. what do you think they did? preach about this and that. im still struggling. ive been working at a bank for 10 years as a measly teller and im still struggling barely making $10.00 an hour trying to support a child. now i notice that you can go to college but only as a means to support the kingdom work. i will be 38 this month and still trying to find a way to get thru college.
Do you thing the JW organization will ever do away with disfellowshipping?
by jetery ini know of several of my friends who have been disfellowshipped for years and see no need to come back.
they tell me the dont miss the meetings at all.
one of the main reasons they dont come back is because of the way they were treated before they were df.
Im a newbie
by jetery inbaptized at 15 because forced into it.
i left the jw 2 years ago.
i should have left a long time ago.
Im a newbie
by jetery inbaptized at 15 because forced into it.
i left the jw 2 years ago.
i should have left a long time ago.
tell u a little about myself. baptized at 15 because forced into it. i left the jw 2 years ago. i should have left a long time ago. my dad was such a tyrant but yet he was a "fine elder". he abused my mom so much both physically and mentally until she was reduced to a shell. i remember one time he was doing mechanic work and she got him the wrong tool and he threw it at her head. if she wouldnt have ducked he would have killed her. we told the elders u think that did anything? they just covered it up and acted like nothing happened. she was always made out to look like the bad guy. well he died and she ended up marrying her old child hood sweetheart whom treated her like a princess. the witnesses all shunned her and barely associated with her. the elder made an announcement about marrying "worldly" associates and everyone knew it was her. they all but named her. he was more of a father to me than my own flesh and blood father. i loved him more than my own father. the jw wore her down and only had anything to do with her when they wanted free vegetablew/fruits being that he was a farmer.
she died 2 years ago and my stepfather happened to bury her the same day the circuit assembly was going on. guess which services the jw decided to attend? u guessed it the CA. u could count on your hands the number of jw that attended. we couldnt even find an elder to perform her services until my stepfather threatened to get someone from his church. some of the elders and jw went to my stepfather and boldly told him they would not be attending the funeral because of th CA. well that sealed the deal for me. these were people that was suppose to be her friends. my ex-husband left me and of course they told me i wasnt free to remarry. he left me i didnt leave him. i came home one day and he took everything and i never heard from him again. they told me i could legally separate but couldnt remarry. i had people on the outside tell me him was committing adultery but because they were worldly they were not credible witnesses. we went thru hell me and my mom. we were pionerrind and doing all the right things yet we never was acknowledged for it. sometimes it was as if we didnt exist. before she died my mom stopped attending meetings al together. i developed a relationship with my childhood friend and of course was disfellowshipped for it and out of it i have a beautiful baby boy which i dont regret having. they hunted me down like an animal going to my neighbors house asking them if it was true i had a boyfriend and was pregnant. my neighbor whom i graduated with told them it was none of their business what i did and that he didnt know. well of course he did. then went they couldnt find me at home they called my job. i told them that i hadnt been at a meeting in almost year and i wasnt professing to be a jw, why were they hounding me? well i told them to do what they wanted i wasnt going to contest it anyone. so thats my life story. i just wasnt happy anyone more, i was depressed all the time and i felt my life was not going anywhere. i am so glad this website exists. it helps alot.