If it's anything like Jesus Camp, then I recommend you going back to the Witnesses. That is some sick shit goin on over there. You have gone from the frying pan of Witnessville to the fire of Southern Baptistville. Nice lateral move dude! Way to escape from one cult to go right into another! more power to ya falla!
JoinedPosts by 83501nwahs
Fade Complete
by yknot inwell it is official....i am out!.
got a call this morning to confirm usual social activities.. enrolled both kiddos in vbs at the various denominations locally (they all work together to have a vbs every other week throughout summer).. 3 jw mommies are allowing their kids to attend the sb vbs next week.. no invites to the dc, only pleas to drive up and co-host the hooky pool party.. i feel kinda guilty since i know many damn near everyone has have had such horrific experiences leaving.. i wanna tell everyone thank you!
because without this site and the fellowship i would still be a captive.
Fade Complete
by yknot inwell it is official....i am out!.
got a call this morning to confirm usual social activities.. enrolled both kiddos in vbs at the various denominations locally (they all work together to have a vbs every other week throughout summer).. 3 jw mommies are allowing their kids to attend the sb vbs next week.. no invites to the dc, only pleas to drive up and co-host the hooky pool party.. i feel kinda guilty since i know many damn near everyone has have had such horrific experiences leaving.. i wanna tell everyone thank you!
because without this site and the fellowship i would still be a captive.
If it's anything like Jesus Camp, then I recommend you going back to the Witnesses. That is some sick shit goin on over there. You have gone from the frying pan of Witnessville to the fire of Southern Baptistville. Nice lateral move dude! Way to escape from one cult to go right into another! more power to ya falla!
I'm meeting with the elders...
by cognac ini was so adament with my husband about not meeting with them./ i said "no" under no uncertain terms that i did not want to have this meeting.
so, they have been hounding us for days about it, repeatedly asking.. finally, my husband and the elder both come up to me asking about it.
so i just said to elder that the last meeting was discouraging and i don't want to be put through that again.
I will, well, I won't pray for you but my thoughts are with you. I think your previous stance was the correct one. In fact I would say that that it is downright foolish to be meeting with them. Remember the proverb, those having dealings with stupid ones will fare badly. You are choosing to have dealings with stupid ones. How could you possibly think it will turn out ok? All of us here on the board know exactly how this is going to turn out, and so do you! Do you not? Do you doubt for a second that these men will do you harm?
Furthermore, this is not a shepherding call, not even close. Ask them how many shepherding calls they have been doing lately. I'll bet you are the only one. if it really is a shepherding call, you can request that only one elder and one ministerial servant comes to your home. Shepherding calls do not require two elders. Actually, servants can go on shepherding calls by themselves. So, actually you can request a call from two ministerial servants and no elders. But this won't get you out of deep shit either if you're in it already. The MSs wil just narc you out on everything possible. they might even take pictures in your home to use as evidence.
I hope it turns out ok but it probably won't. you are playing their game and you are playing right into their hands. By your meeting with them, you are giving legitimacy to the process. -
I'm meeting with the elders...
by cognac ini was so adament with my husband about not meeting with them./ i said "no" under no uncertain terms that i did not want to have this meeting.
so, they have been hounding us for days about it, repeatedly asking.. finally, my husband and the elder both come up to me asking about it.
so i just said to elder that the last meeting was discouraging and i don't want to be put through that again.
I will, well, I won't pray for you but my thoughts are with you. I think your previous stance was the correct one. In fact I would say that that it is downright foolish to be meeting with them. Remember the proverb, those having dealings with stupid ones will fare badly. You are choosing to have dealings with stupid ones. How could you possibly think it will turn out ok? All of us here on the board know exactly how this is going to turn out, and so do you! Do you not? Do you doubt for a second that these men will do you harm?
Furthermore, this is not a shepherding call, not even close. Ask them how many shepherding calls they have been doing lately. I'll bet you are the only one. if it really is a shepherding call, you can request that only one elder and one ministerial servant comes to your home. Shepherding calls do not require two elders. Actually, servants can go on shepherding calls by themselves. So, actually you can request a call from two ministerial servants and no elders. But this won't get you out of deep shit either if you're in it already. The MSs wil just narc you out on everything possible. they might even take pictures in your home to use as evidence.
I hope it turns out ok but it probably won't. you are playing their game and you are playing right into their hands. By your meeting with them, you are giving legitimacy to the process. -
More Evidence that Jehovah Is a Tyrant
by WTWizard ini have observed that jehovah god is far from the loving father he portrays himself to be.
stifling my sex drive, and then exploiting it by using it to get me into a cult, hardly qualifies god as being loving.
and neither does continuing to stifle the sex drive after i am trying to leave the cult and quite likely using the hounders to reclaim me as their slave.. i found another web site that any theist should urgently look up before looking into any religion, whether jehovah's witnesses or any other "christian" or islam religion.
Who invented evil?
If you say the Devil, then you have to credit the devil as being a creator/co-creator of the universe. If you say God invented evil, then God is just as evil as he is loving or good. Either way, god at least created the potential for evil and allowed it to come into existence. Give me hell and Satan anyday over God. -
Reasons why i can't worship the God of the bible...
by digderidoo inthe following scriptures given show the reasons why i cannot worship the god of the bible.
call him jehovah, yahweh, yhwh, lord, father, jesus, whatever you will.
the passages are taken from the new world translation, because we are all familiar with it and also it was the only one i really had at hand.. gen 3:16 ... " to the woman he said: 'i shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy; in birth pangs you will bring forth children, and your craving will be for your husband, and he will dominate you.
I have yet to meet a bible believer who does not beg the question by their very existence.
The reason a bible believer can look at scriptures like those quoted by didgeridoo, and not realize that they depict an evil, sadistic egomaniac of a god, is that they decided at some point to believe that the bible is the word of a loving god first, and after that complete assumption, then and only then did they start to look for evidence that the bible is the word of a loving god. Then, horror of horrors, to make matters worse, to prove the bible is the word of a loving god, they began to look into that book to see if they could use the book in question itself, to prove itself! And from there leads all attempts to make the bible seem like the word of god.
Bible believers are already totally lost, so far in this argument. So, if you are a bible reader just stop now. It'll only give you a headache. Non-bible believers continue for my input on this intriguing thread.
Bible believers are incapable of understanding the point that to prove the bible is the word of god, you must get verification from a disinterested party or at least another source. Of course the bible says that the bible is the word of god. That's a given. I've even had people say, after I asked them to prove that the bible is the word of god, they turned to 2Tim. 3:16 (is it?) All scripture is inspired of god... "You see/ It says right here in god's book that this book is god's book!" (sigh...)
What is happening here is a number of things:
1. The bible believer always uses relatively current science news as a template to judge the bible's validity. The problem with that is that science is constantly changing its stance on things (the light gets brighter I guess.) And the bible always seems to match with what mankind believes he has been able to prove in the absolute sense (undeniable) scientifically speaking (although in many ways bible readers have always been behind the times and out of touch as well as antagonnistic towards the scientific community).
When western european bible readers read the bible, they read that the earth is a circle. So, since nobody in the west had actually encircled the earth yet, to positively disconfirm the flat earth belief, linear 2 dimensinal bible readers thought that the earth was a flat circle. At that time bible readers felt so superior that their god revealed to them the truth about the flat earth, and they felt that that was proof of god's authorship of the bible. "Pagan nations think the earth is a sphere! HAHAHAHAHA. Those primitive pagans do not have the true god. If they did they would know about the flat earth!" (Never mind that most of the pagan planet knew for thousands of years that the earth was a sphere.) Bible readers, who always seem to be a little behind the times, thought that the earth was a flat circle, not a sphere. When the science became incontrovertible and undeniable, bible readers had a revelation! A circle really means a sphere! Now the same scripture used to prove a flat earth for thousands of years proves the earth is a sphere! MY, how convenient. Yet this is the very nature of all the so-called "proof" of the bible's inspiration.
2. Another way bible believers beg the question is that "Belief Came Before Evidence." Most people got their notion of god from their parents. They were raised from infancy to believe in god, and in the bible. Most people never think to scrutinize their religious beliefs or what they were handed down by their parents. In other words, most people do not learn so much about the bible that they are considered bible scholars. Most of their beliefs are just mimicking their parents or other religious leader who may have studied the bible at an advanced level.. most people can't even come close to defending the existence of god or the inspiration of the bible. So their belief is based on complete assumption that their parents and religious leaders are correct about religious matters.
Those few that do study the bible and are considered scholars, still have believed in the sanctity of the bible from long before they ever decided to be expert in all matters biblical. They were convinced of the truth of the bible before they mounted their study of it. at no moment did most bible scholars ever read the bible as if it were just a book. Every single ridiculous, unprovable fact is viewed through "eyes of awe" as if they are reading the book of god himself. Any human inclinations they have to question or doubt are quickly dispatched. At this stage they are experiencing cognitive dissonance (for example, the sun standing still in the sky). They know it is impossible, but since they already made up their minds about the bible, long before they ever could read, or at least before they ever cracked it open, it is either admit that you are wrong, (and you've been wrong all along and maybe there is no god afterall) or come up with a way to explain away all your dissonance. You must save your lifestyle above all, so you dig and scratch and fiddle and pace back and forth and twist and turn and stretch until you finally come up with some rational explanation, (or rational to you. not to other people.)
Their reseach (experiments) is null and void because the outcome was decided before the study even started. You are never going to believe that the bible is false, not because the evidence is or isn't there, but because you can't admit you are wrong, or perhaps you cannot face your own mortality or you cannot face the idea that we might be completely alone in the universe. It's not about evidence at all for the bible believer, it's about faith, the thing they run to cowardly every time they are confronted with disconfirming evidence. Frankly I don't know why there is such a thing as a bible scholar, because it doesn't even matter what the bible says, no matter how ridiculous. You have pre-decided to believe it on faith (whatever that is) and so you will assume the bible is correct if there is any charge of falseness made against it.
A rational person who believes the bible is the infallible word of god, would drop that book in a hot second the moment they find disconfirming evidence of even a single tiny fact. Infallible is infallible right? One mistake, and it isn't infallible anymore. It isn't even true as a book if it has so much as one tiny mistake.
I believe it was snowbird that said even in spite of all disconfirming evidence, she still believes the bible, and then she put a smiley face modicon in the text, trying to be cute I guess. well, it's not cute when an adult refuses to see the obvious disconfirmation of his beliefs and admits openly that even if she were proved wrong she would still believe. that is the height of immaturity and makes for dangerous people that I don't trust personally. There is nothing funny about compliant resignation to ignorance and stupidity.
Because of the preceding facts I just cannot take any bible believer seriously. It's a joke but it is not funny at all. It's terribly sad. For us to evolve we must reject all false holy books. Only then will we be able to actually experience reality in its fullness, as whole receivers of inspiration, all of us. -
Furuli. The prominent elder in Norway not too popular among top dogs
by Samuel Thorsen ina trustworthy source has given me the opportunity to share some information about rolf furuli.
a well known apologist og and greatly respected elder in norway and a schoolar at the university of oslo.
he does not compleatly agree with the fds in all cases i guess, and lately he has spoken up in his local congo about 3 subjects.. # 1. education.
This guy may be the best weapon against the society ever known. It's a brilliant way to undermine WT authority really, whether or not he knows it or is doing it on purpose. Produce a brand of JW religion that is very close to the original, but still a knock off. people will start going for the new brand nt thinking much of it, and not recognizing that the new brand is steering you very slightly awry of the WTBTS. Maybe just change one pr twp teachings, like the college stance, blood and extreme shunning.
Don't Show Mercy to the Watchtower
by metatron incompassion and forgiveness are important qualities for all of us - but that said, this is not the time to 'let up' or start showing mercy to .
let's consider three ways in which they hurt people:.
first, they injure or wreck families.
This is the best post I've seen in a long time. Amen bro. Activism is a no brainer to me. Why did I have that experience as a witness? Could it have been destiny that I was to break free from a sick cult? And once free would I not attempt to rescue my family still held captive to this beast? It is my very commission. I am duty bound to activism, however I may define it. Whatever works is the answer to that.
Keep Yourselves In God's Love: Why Birthdays are from the Devil
by truthseeker inyes folks, if you thought the watchtower would lighten up on birthdays think again.... .
I know quite a bit about the church of Satan, and as far as I know there is no such thing as Satanists. Members of the Church of Satan do not congregate or meet in any way. There is no doctrine to speak of. It is based mostly on the writings of Anton LeVey, who is known to not even believe in an actual devil or satan. It is more of a philosophy if anything. Een at that, I have only met one other member of the church. Being a member only entails sending in 200 bucks and receiving in the mail a card. That's it! There are no rituals to speak of that groups participate in. LaVey spoke highly of envoking the power of ritual, but only as a psychological exercise, not as if there re really spooks and goblins, because La Vey did not believe in them.
In other words, the sosiety just made that shit up about the birthdays and satanists. -
California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage
by BenV injust got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
I just clicked on this post to see if it was true that there are actually people on this board who are not on board with gay marriage. To my horror, but not to my surprise there are actually grown adults who would presume to iMPOSE their opinion and morals on other adults' rights to do what they want.
Here's my comment, because this subject is a non issue with me. In other words, this subject is sealed and shut, and only the morally ignorant or evil are not in tune with it: