i love that story
i don't have anything quite so entertaining.
not long after i quit going to meetings, one over-zealous elder supported by two cronies tried to get a elders meeting to discuss my "apostacy". my dad is an elder in the same cong. all the evidence they had was hearsay, and they hadn't done the Matt 18 thing and spoken to me first. so my dad said no way, no elders meeting. this elder, the po and one other elder had their own meeting about it anyway. dad found out and hit the roof.
anway, a couple of months later the over zealous elder calls around with the CO to offer encouragement. towards the end, as they were leaving, i said "so xxxx, does CO know about this secret meeting you had with bro y and bro z to accuse me of apostacy? he got all defensive and flustered and said, we'll talk about it another time.
nothing happened for ages and i lost interest.
then a month or so later over zealous elder and his accomplice elder call to offer my wife encouragement. i had no real interest in it at this stage but i sat in on the conversation. before getting into the docrine stuff over zealous elder says to me - "last time you mentioned about this meeting, do you still want to talk about it?"
so i said" xxxx not really, i don't really think about it. you came hear to talk to my wife, so i'm happy to leave it."
he was happy to move on, when all of a sudden his accomplice (who had been silent up until now) pipes up and says - "i just want to say there never was such a meeting" i couldn't let that opportunity go.
so i said "ok accomplice elder, did you and over zealous, and the po have a meeting?" - "yes"
"ok, did you discuss me at it?" - "yes"
i left it at that - the great spanner just couldn't help but blurt out a big fat lie. what shred of credibility they had with my wife was completely shattered. and we hadn't even got into the UN stuff yet!