In a way, I felt like I became a JW without reading the fine print in the contract. When you're a 3rd gen witness, and your parents, relatives, and cousins are all in, you take it as the truth because it's all you know, not based on really researching their doctrines.
As some have said here, all you have to do is research their own publications, and you'll find the truth behind what they teach. If you printed it out, those sisters probably still wouldn't necessarily look at it.
But the overarching issue is not debating each doctrine, it is whether or not you're allowed to disagree. Trust me, some here have gotten disfellowshipped for voicing their doubts in doctrines such as 1914 and the 144,000. I know better than to question doctrine and as someone here has already mentioned, you can find yourself in deep doo-doo by saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. Or the object of sheperding calls at the least. Not only that, many practices are considered 'organizational' ones, but of course you are expected to tow the line.
Plain and simple, its deceptive and its a trap.