JoinedTopics Started by Fishbulb
How do I find my old friend?
by Fishbulb ina long time ago, well, 1992, hurricane andrew hit the homestead area of southern florida.
among the relief work, the witnesses jumped in to help, mainly their own.
before i was even baptized i headed down with a group of "brothers" to join in the relief work.
Of the one's DF'd here, how many have been called on by the Elders?
by Fishbulb inwhen i left the organization one of the reasons i did so was because of the hypocrisy i saw within the congregation regarding sheepherding the weak.
people who were struggling to make meetings, ones who were house-ridden due to illness or depression, ones who don't keep a prominent position in the hall, these ones were all ignored.
i was one who never ever ever missed a meeting and in august i suddenly stopped going.
Hi I'm new here - a bit about me
by Fishbulb inwell where do i start?
i am 34, male and gay.
when i was about 15 i was exposed to the witnesses teachings.