JoinedPosts by recovering
"Black People Will Turn White as They Near Perfection"
by cameo-d ini found this quoted by a few people on another thread and they attributed it to wt teachings.. i would like to know for sure....did wt actually teach this?.
or was some speaker making this up?.
if you are of african descent, and you heard did it make you feel?.
"Black People Will Turn White as They Near Perfection"
by cameo-d ini found this quoted by a few people on another thread and they attributed it to wt teachings.. i would like to know for sure....did wt actually teach this?.
or was some speaker making this up?.
if you are of african descent, and you heard did it make you feel?.
Ever got counseled for your haircut?
by Albert Einstein ini allway wore very short "military" style haircut.
allways was viewed as a bad association by dubs, once one dub told me directly: well i think your hair is rather to short brother!
i told him i dont think so and left.
I was councelled about the stupidist things . I was once councelled about about having a t shirt that had a tv personality on it. It was a loony toons t shirt. It had bugs bunny and some other charectars. Horror of horrors it included the Tazmanian Devil. It could have been demonized they said. Nice thing to say to a 12 year old.
What songs or song lyrics remind you of your escape from the Witnesses?
by cluless injudus priest ..."i was lost and found".
and niel young ..i believe in you..... "now that you find yourself loosing your mind are you here again-.
finding that once what you felt was real has gone and changing....... .
give me something to beleive in by poison
Mennoite Article (about SHUNNING) now on
by V in
we cannot do as you ask, replied one of the family heads.
those people came to teach us the bible.
They are truly clueless. Perhaps due to the grand scale that their policy of shunning is carried out on, they would do well to remember Matthew 7:1-29
1 “Stop judging that YOU may not be judged; 2 for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged; and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU . 3 Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the rafter in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Allow me to extract the straw from your eye’; when, look! a rafter is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw from your brother’s eye.
Congregation politics are so bitter precisely because the stakes are so low
by Olin Moyles Ghost inthough i've never been an elder (thank god), i was raised by one and know several.
it has been my observation that there is a tremendous amount of politics on bodies of elders.
this is probably not a news flash to most of you.. there is a saying that "academic politics are so bitter because the stakes are so low.
i am 20 minutes away from a sheparding call........
by oompa infirst one in at least 5 years.......wife does not want to sit in and i just told her if she does not, then i am not either.....this loss of faith thingy has really been rough on our marriage.......i have decided to not bring up a single issue i have........i will relate to them my illustration of the taxi driver who keeps giving out bad directions i posted yesterday.......i think what will surprise them maybe is that my loss of faith goes way beyond wt.......i have lost virtually faith in the bible and has already told the "first place to start is to get going to the meetings again!"....lmao!!!.........
i hope their programed brains can grasp that maybe you need faith in a god first.....then find out what method (or book) he is using to educate us if he wants to....and then if you feel the need....look around to find out if there is a group of folks who all have similar beliefs.........this should be interesting...........oompa.
we are waiting with baited breath oompa
Left the WT but why the loss of your faith in God?
by Luo bou to insure the wt deceived you with its claim to be god's channel but why for so many is there a subsequent loss of faith in god ?
it puzzles me and makes me wonder why they were jw's in the first place..
I think that you loose your faith in god due to being brainwashed while in the witnesses. They have told you all the flaws in other religions. This leads to you not trusting any other faith. When you discover the flaws in the witness faith you are left with very little to believe in.
If You Could & Still Attended, What Suggestions Would You Give The Elders?
by minimus inwhat would like to tell the elders that you knew?.
I would tell them to read Ray Franzes books
Favorite Music Group From The 70's
by megaflower inhow about fleetwood mac and the eagles.
love the eagles and they are still good today..
Pink Floyd, saw them live . Genesis, Boston ,Steely Dan