I am confused , in another post you claimed to be an elder " I’m a very active elder."
On this thread you say you are a MS who was blocked from being an elder. Did i miss something ?
I am just looking for a little clarification :)
describing your personality in writing is a challenging task.
they say that body language represents 85% of our communication, obviously you cant see my face as i give this account.
the following might probably make me sound like a prideful person, but ill like to say that im far from that.
I am confused , in another post you claimed to be an elder " I’m a very active elder."
On this thread you say you are a MS who was blocked from being an elder. Did i miss something ?
I am just looking for a little clarification :)
the book study is one of the most useless meetings.
the same books have been studied 3 or 4 times.the meeting takes only an hour but takes up most of your evening.
and, it is one of the least attended meetings.. why haven't they combined the watchtower study with just question and answer and then follow with the book study with just question and answer?
he he it has been accomplished , it is gone
hmm Many scientists (including Einstein) define a fourth dimension as time
judge for yourself.
I know people who where in the camps. To deny the holocaust is lunacy and a poor attempt at revisionist history.
after reading about puternuts (ari) suicide, and also reading about sabine and js losing their daughter to this cult, i think it would be a fitting memorial, so to speak, to write a list of all the people we know who died because of this cult.
i also know that cruzanheart lost her dad to it, too.
i'm sure there are many here that can make a list of suicides brought on by the shunning/threatening policies of the watchtower cult.
JOHN MAUER he was an educated man. A scientist who later went into teaching. This poor man never got over the death of his wife in childbirth. She had refused a blood transfusion due to JW doctrine. I do not think he ever forgave himself for allowing it. He was ministarial servent.
i figured on eating a healthy light dinner today.
i figured what could be healthier than a broiled chicken breast and fruit.
i started to prepare my meal.
I figured on eating a healthy light dinner today. I figured what could be healthier than a broiled chicken breast and fruit. I started to prepare my meal. Defrosted chicken no problem. Hmm what to eat for fruit? Due to the snow storm I have no fresh fruit in the house. This won't be an issue after all I have cup boards full of canned fruits and veggies just for this type of situation. I open a can of Bartlett pears (no sugar added) as I wait for my chicken to; cook I figured might I as well read the nutrition label on the pears. Here to my dismay is the nutritional breakdown (RDA)
Vitamin a 0 %
Calcium 0%
Iron 0 %
Vitamin c 0 %
I would have been better off eating a milk chocolate bar that I had in the pantry it had a higher nutritional make up lol.
my manager expects a business plan tomorrow morning, and of course with all the holiday stuff i totally blew it off until the last minute.
if it weren't for procrastination, i'd have no plan at all.
i need to show how i plan to be profitabl, and i am so new to all of this, i have no clue where to start.
Hi I have done many business plans. I usually start with an industry specific template and modify it to suit my needs. I have included some links to some insurence industry ones as well as a link to a software program that is industry specific. By the way usually you need to have done some research beforehand in order to write your plan.
You should also do an outline of your plan here is a sample.
obviously not in our life time, but i was thinking maybe in a centry from now perhaps?
once the people who were taught creation in school are gone and instead we have people who were taught evoultion instead?
when we have perhaps been able to travel further and deeper into space, will people ask where is god?.
Muslim state supported relegion has an advantage over the other religions as far as longevity. This is due to their governments being in large part theocracys.
always lol, and i say this with love.
here's a video that has something real to say about the wts corporation and the jws .. it hits at the heart of what many jw children may feel being a jw.. being enslaved to corruption is never a good thing is it ?.
the wts truly indoctrinates people into mental illness.
OH I think that is not true. Those inside are not happy, I think they are terrified and miserable.