as far as proving statutory rape all that need be required is a dna match with the `18 yr old boy friend and the baby. proving abuse will be much more difficult,
JoinedPosts by recovering
A terrible situation, I need all the help I can get
by lola28 ini dont know if ive posted this before but here it goes.
my sisters step dad has a nice who well call roxy for now, ive known this kid since she was two and she and my sister grew up together.
roxys mom is a walking disaster; she has five kids all by different fathers (has had at least two abortions), has never worked a day in her life and im pretty sure she does drugs, and probably sells them too, however i cant prove it.
by recovering inhere is a link in case you want to sign the guest book.
raymond victor franzborn in kentucky on may 8, 1922. departed on jun.
2, 2010 and resided in winston, ga. service, visitation, etc begins here service, visitation, etc ends here deseased info ends here .
Here is a link in case you want to sign the guest book
Raymond Victor Franz
Born in Kentucky on May 8, 1922
Departed on Jun. 2, 2010 and resided in Winston, GA.On June 2nd, Raymond V. Franz (88) passed away peacefully due to the effects of a fall and subsequent brain hemorrhage suffered on May 30, 2010. Ray is survived by his wife, Cynthia.
A minister, missionary and Biblical scholar for over 70 years, Ray is the author of a number of books including CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE and IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM. Ray and Cynthia served as Jehovah's Witness publishers, then missionaries in the Caribbean and at the Watchtower Society's Worldwide Headquarters for over 20 years. Ray was appointed to numerous positions within the organization including serving on the Board of the Governing Body, the ruling group within the organization.
Ray was involved in writing countless articles, tracts and books within the organization including The Aid to Bible Understanding (Aid Book). While researching Bible facts, Ray and the research committee recognized that numerous organization doctrines conflicted with scripture. In 1980, Ray took a final stand on Biblical Issues and separated from the organization.
For the past 30 years Ray has lived his life peacefully dedicating himself as a husband and friend with the purpose of helping countless people to a fuller appreciation of God and the Bible. He will be dearly missed.
Here is the Letter I am thinking of sending ,give me your input
by troubled mind inattention to the elder body of the *******congregation of jehovahs witnesses .
criminal harassment is defined as "engag(ing) in intentional conduct which the actor [harasser] knows or has reason to know would cause the victim, under the circumstances, to feel frightened, threatened, oppressed, persecuted, or intimidated; and causes this reaction on the part of the victim.
609.749, subd.
be very careful they will claim that this line constitutes your intent to disassociate
My spirituality is between me and my heavenly Father . I wish to be left alone and allowed to seek that journey on my own .
Ray Franz Passed Away Today
by Amazing ini just received word that ray franz passed away today at 1:37 pm eastern daylight time.
the cause of death is stated as head trauma, likely due to falling to the ground, and a stroke could have also been part of the cause or a result of the fall.
he died at emory university hospital in atlanta about 17 minutes after being taken off life support.
Rest in peace man of integrity
I am moving
by mouthy injust so you all know.
moving june 1st... going back to an apartment... .,+centre+wellington,+wellington+county,+ontario+n1m+1m9&gl=ca&ei=avvfs92kn8ob8gbt7osabq&ved=0cacq8gewaa&ll=43.711254,-80.3725&spn=0.011136,0.01929&z=16&layer=c&cbll=43.711178,-80.372612&panoid=ltw26lrf3zi01miizev-zg&cbp=12,326.76,,0,-16.62.
mouthy is gonna send you to your room lol
What do you say, if someone asks if you go to church?
by Bonnie_Clyde inclyde has a great answer.
he says, "no, i take my faith too seriously.
" he says that ends the conversation.
I just quote this bit from Poe
Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore -
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels named Lenore -
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom the angels named Lenore?'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.' -
Would You "Technically" Remain A Jehovah's Witness If There Were No Sanctions Involved?
by minimus inmany of us have drifted.
we know it isn't the truth but we might not have officially resigned as jws.
many catholics are nominal catholics and they are not shunned or avoided because of their not going to church or confession.. would you remain a jw if the organization didn't punish you for your inactivity?.
Let me get this straight: if YOU were not affected by any sort of sanctions, you would care??
yep I would care . The relegion is based on control even if they did not sanction you, they still would want you to do what they say without questioning.
been there did that
Would You "Technically" Remain A Jehovah's Witness If There Were No Sanctions Involved?
by minimus inmany of us have drifted.
we know it isn't the truth but we might not have officially resigned as jws.
many catholics are nominal catholics and they are not shunned or avoided because of their not going to church or confession.. would you remain a jw if the organization didn't punish you for your inactivity?.
no way, they do not allow for reform or disent; they are responsible for many deaths (blood doctrine); they are judgemental; they are really a publishing corporation not a religion; last but not least they lie.
IDENTIFY who is speaking in this RIDDLE:
by Terry in"i am the mother, and i am the daughter.
i am the wife and i am the whore.
I am a bit confused myself to be honest lalliv, and I can see how you came to your conclusion. I had to look it up myself. The feminine side of "god" is the "I am" that the Gnostic writers attribute to the narrator of the poem.
I think this is way to deep for me, a poor agnostic to grasp lol
Here is what the commentator says with regards this poem
Thunder, Perfect Mind (NHC VI,2) presents the revelation discourse of a female divinity who speaks alternately in first-person statements of identity ("I AM") and second-person address. The text's parallelism of structure, together with its extensive use of antithesis, paradox, and other literary devices, point clearly to its poetic or hymnic character. B. Layton has argued persuasively that the paradoxical and often outrageous pairing of antithetical terms in the "I AM" statements of Thunder can be read as a complex identity riddle to be solved by the knowing or "gnostic" reader. At the same time, attention to various features of the text as a whole suggests that it is not only the mystery of the speaker's identity, but the relationship between the divine speaker and her human hearers that forms the exegetical crux of the text.
Thunder focuses attention on the hearers' relationship to the divine speaker not only through its alternating structure of first-person proclamation and second-person address, but also through its metaphorical imagery of kinship and gender, its references to the audience's responses to the divine, and its claims about the speaker's role in the operations of language and intellect. Its persistent, uncompromising use of paradox pushes its hearers to relinquish the apparent sense of its words and to seek the hidden meaning of individual utterances and of the discourse as a whole. Finally, by locating the divine in the "voice" and "hearing" of the text, it leads its hearers or readers to find the divine within the text and within themselves, and so to discover themselves within the divine. In such an interpretive movement of letting go and finding, of becoming sober and being found, the text's final words suggest, the reader "goes up" to the salvific "place of rest," "finds" the divine persona revealed in the text, and "enters into" a state of living and not dying again.