Would You "Technically" Remain A Jehovah's Witness If There Were No Sanctions Involved?

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Many of us have drifted. We KNOW it isn't the truth but we might not have officially resigned as JWs. Many Catholics are nominal Catholics and they are not shunned or avoided because of their not going to church or confession.

    Would you remain a JW if the Organization didn't punish you for your inactivity?

  • lepermessiah

    Hell. No.

    I am ashamed to even have my name remotely associated with the BORG.

    Minimus, you bring up a thought to me - hasnt it been discussed more recently among the higher-ups that if you are inactive, you are no longer a JW anyway?

    Was that just a rumor going around, or did someone post that in writing? I can take this to another thread if need be......thanks.

  • minimus

    I think IF the elders go after you, then you would be ANNOUNCED as no longer being a JW.

  • dgp

    Marked. I can't answer because I'm not a JW. I can answer for the Catholics: we stay that way because it's a part of our lives and mindsets, and we see no practical reason to throw everything out. We don't mind going to the occassional mass for a social reason, for example. We still know how to cross ourselves. Yet we feel free to criticize the Mother organization, and most of us do it privately because we see no reason to take it further.

  • gubberningbody

    That's like asking me whether I would eat poison if it wasn't poisonous.

  • Finally-Free

    No. I fact, I won't belong to any organization, fellowship, fraternity, association or club unless there is some tangible benefit in it for me. Since leaving the JWs I decided it was time to stop living for everyone's convenience except my own.


  • Terry

    Seeking social comfort is the most insidious form of intellectual death.

    Going along to get along destroys your integrity.

    If we don't hunger and thirst for reality in our day to day life we sink below the surface quickly. Our individuality is sucked dry.

    We become a "thing", a utility, a cog in some mindless machine of idiocy.

    The worst part?

    Others who may be just hanging on to sanity wondering if they are going crazy or becoming evil are looking over at us...US!

    "He's not feeling what I'm feeling. He's not thinking what I'm thinking..." they are saying to themselves. And they die a little each day BECAUSE WE'RE TOO CHICKEN SHIT to come out in the open and bellow loud enough to shake heaven loose from its perch:


    We are on this earth for only a short time, a brief moment in the grand scheme of things.

    For crying out loud...why can't we have the guts, the gumption and the integrity seize the day and claw our way to:



  • LongHairGal

    No, I would not. I would simply feel a hypocrite because I do not buy many of their teachings. As it was, when I found out their hidden dirt on the internet I could no longer continue there. So, who cares if there were no 'sanctions'? They could offer themselves like a prostitute on the street and I would reject them.

    Unlike some on the forum who are out because they were done 'wrong', I wasn't necessarily done wrong (even though I feel the culture and mentality of the religion is damaging especially to women and I wasn't having any of it).

    If I had not discovered all their scandals and history on the internet, I would have stopped at some point. Finding all this out just confirmed that I was right in my suspicions.

  • mindmelda

    No, I'd rather tell people I'm a Nazi than a JW!

    LOL, no seriously, god, it's embarrassing now to even have been associated with the crazy people who drive around in vans and try to gang convert people.

    The religion would have been a dead end curiousity decades ago if some bright boy hadn't decided to impose harsh penalties on people who wanted out of the crazy.

    It's like the frickin Mafia...you don't get out by anything less than the Witness Protection program(fading) or (spiritual) death, i.e. DFing.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    What would be the point?

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